15- Lies

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The rest of the week was exhausting and long. Every day, all I could think about was the site. I had so many questions. It could be the reason the hover pass was built in the first place. It could be the reason exploring the forest was illegal. I got up each day and continued my routine, trying to fit in as much as I could. Trying to hide the look of anticipation on my face. Trying not to stand out.

Jessica knew something as going on, though she didn't say anything. She could tell I was thinking of other things then the lessons she was giving me about the economy and structure of Cremona. Hiding things from her made me feel terrible.

But even worse then that was hiding things from Petter and Skyler. They knew something was up, and they kept trying to trip me up so I'd tell them. I kept on having to use the excuse that I needed to do work for the society to get away from their questions.

After my last class, I'd just head back to my room and close the door, locking it just in case they tried to come in. After a few days of this they stopped trying to find me. I felt like I was sabotaging our friendship, and it was almost enough for me to abandon my plan. Almost.

But I needed to know. Something was telling me it was bigger then it seemed.

I got up on Friday morning and got to class early. Jessica was surprised to see me, but a little impressed. She let me inside and started to teach me the lesson of the day. I could hardly stay in my seat. The day felt like the longest day I'd ever had.

At lunchtime I couldn't avoid meeting with Peter and Skyler. They seemed to be giving me a break from the questions though for once. I sat down at a table with them, my tray loaded up with food for lunch, and as many non perishables as I could take without seeming a little crazy.

"Me and Peter are going to the beach tomorrow. You in?" Asked Skyler as she took a bite of her sandwich.

My heart sank. I really hated turning her down, but I had to keep my act up. I smiled apologetically and shook my head.

"Can't. I've got a society meeting all day tomorrow." I said. Skyler looked disappointed, but she tried to hide it.

"Hey, we could do something on Sunday?" I suggested. She smiled at me, though I could tell she wasn't pleased. I looked away and finished my meal as quickly as I could.

I dropped my extra food off at my room before heading back to class.

So then started another session of torture. By the end of it, Jessica could easily tell that I wasn't interested in the slightest. She sighed and waved me out of the room with annoyance.

Great. Now I've ticked off my best friends AND my crush.

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came. I closed it and exited to room.

Back at my own room, I started to pack for the next day. I took my back pack and filled it with the non perishables from lunch, a change of clothes, a blanket from the closet and a few camping things that I was able to get from the store the other day. They weren't suppose to be camping things of course, camping was illegal. But things like lighters could easily be used for many other reason's so they where sold in stores.

Once I'd finished packing, I stored my bag away and had my dinner. Then I went to bed, luckily falling asleep easily.

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