Chapter 1

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I sighed once I successfully parked my car in the garage. I just want to sleep all night, I deserve a break from all the work I finished within this week.

Getting off of my car, I caught a glimpse of the gates automatically closing as the two guards punch some buttons on the side.

These stupid skyscraper heels do me no justice, they hurt like hell. Due to my tired state, I almost fell face flat on the ground if it isn't for the fact that I held the handle of the front door that was close by.

Damn it! I need to stop being clumsy.

I was then welcomed with the voice of my cute little sister, Margaery, who came running down the stairs, "Lysa! You're home!"

Margaery Zia Snow is my six years old sister. She's super adorable with her deep dimples and button nose. Her eyes are green like my dad's eyes but she got mom's hair: light brown and wavy.

I bent down to give her a tight hug and a kiss on the head before asking, "Why are you still up? It's past your bedtime."

She pulled away from the hug, "Dad and Mom are fighting again."

Again? I came home after staying a week at the building and this is what's been happening? Exposing their children with fights?

"Where are your brothers?" I asked her as I guide her up in her room.

"Uhm, I don't know. But Zion tucked me in," she smiled at me.

Zion is my youngest brother at the age of 19, he's the charmer in our family. A sweetheart one of his teachers would say because of his charming personality in school. I don't know how'd that happen. The teacher saying he's a sweetheart? Doesn't sit well with me. The said teacher was a flirt, Zion told me about it.

He's not really aiming to have pretty high grades in school because he's very interested in playing on his computer than doing his school works but he still managed to give us B+ to A- grades. We don't push him to do something he's not interested to because we all know how bad he wants to be an I.T. student.

We reached her pastel coloured bedroom and from here, you can actually hear their banters from across the hall.

I tucked her in, "Do you want to listen to some music?"

Her smile widens and she nodded, "Uh huh! Could it be from Tangled and Hercules, please?"

"Of course," I said to her. I bring out my iPad and click on the Spotify app where the playlist she always listen to is saved before handing it to her with the earphones.

"I should've just read you a book," I mumbled.

"But Zion, read me one already!" she pouted.

I just let her listen to her music before kissing her forehead and turning off the main light but leaving the night light on. She couldn't sleep with with lights, she's afraid of the dark.

I closed her bedroom door and sighed again. I went to Zion's room to find him sleeping already but with ear puffs. He couldn't sleep with any noise. He's not one to interfere to other people's conversations so, he probably chose to sleep instead of staying up only to hear what they're on about.

I kissed his forehead and noticed that there was a note on his side table, Zach and Lyndon are out with Carlos and went to the pub 30 minutes away.

I bit my tongue to stop the sudden urge to shout because once again, I have a trip to make. I'm so damn tired and this happens. Just great.

I closed Zion's bedroom door and turned on this light that is on Zion's door that says 'Keep Out'. I went to walk to my room but was startled when I heard something slammed shut.

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