Prologue - The world isn't a perfect circle

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***I plan on this story being 10-15 chapters long, but the chapters will be medium to a long length. So that means it might take me a bit to update, don't get mad at me.***

Sleep. Sleep and dream of a better world where no one gets hurt. That's all Naruto does now. He's tired of feeling pain and neglect, that's why he dreams. Because in your dreams you don't have to face reality, or feel pain. But all of that can change when you come crashing back into consciousness.

Sakura is banging at Naruto's door, wanting him to answer. But this has become a daily thing, Sakura wants Naruto to answer the door, he doesn't, and she leaves. Naruto doesn't bother to get up now because he'll just see her in an hour at Ichiraku ramen, same thing everyday.

Ten minutes pass by and Sakura gives up on getting Naruto's attention. So Naruto tries to drift back to his better reality, but he could still hear the echoes of Sakura Knocking in his head. He figured he might as well get up and face another day.

Naruto starts his boring morning routine. Bathroom, shower, brush teeth, change, and find money for food.

After Naruto's done he grabs his frog wallet and leaves his dinky apartment. He doesn't bother to lock the door, what does anyone want to steel from from him? Dirty laundry and bags of garbage? He would be more than happy for someone to take that away from him, but this isn't a perfect world like his dreams.

When Naruto arrives at Ichiraku ramen big surprise, Sakura is waiting there for him.

"Naruto we go through this everyday! Can't you just answer me when I'm at your apartment instead of me waiting for you here?"

He scoffs. "If you were smart you would just wait here instead of coming to my place and waking me up."

Naruto pushes past her and walks into his favorite restaurant. They already had him a bowl ready, Naruto is pretty predictable nowadays. But Sakura wasn't having any of his crap today. She grabs him by the shoulder to turn him around and she slaps him across the face.

"I hope I knocked some sense into you! Naruto, you should be more respectful to ladies!"

She looks him in the eye and she couldn't tell if he was about to slap her back or if he was about to burst out in tears. Sakura could tell something was eating at Naruto.

"Hey Naruto? Is something wrong?"

Naruto doesn't answer, he just turns away and sits down at the bar to eat his ramen.

"Naruto you can talk to me." Sakura insisted.

Naruto finished chewing before answering her question, still staring into his bowl.

"Ask me what's not wrong, that's an easier question to answer."

Sakura is worried for Naruto, he's been slowly acting more depressed everyday.

"Just tell me what's on your mind." she insisted with a kind smile.

"Well-" Naruto was cut off by the voice of Iruka.

"Naruto? Oh hey Naruto! I knew I would find you here, and good Sakura is here too, I won't have to repeat myself."

"What is it Iruka sensei?" Naruto asks.

"Tsunade wants both of you in her office ASAP, but don't worry you're not in trouble or anything."

"Ok we'll leave now, see you later Iruka Sensei!" Sakura says, waving goodbye as Iruka leaves the shop.

Sakura pushes Naruto on the shoulder.

"We can talk later, let's go Naruto."

*** I'm not counting this as a real chapter it's just a short little prologue so you can understand what the story is going to be like, I hope you keep reading this fan fic and I promise good things from it ^~^ ***

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