Chapter 2 - Passive

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When they arrive Kakashi was already gone. His door open, and his apartment completely vacant.

Why would he be missing? Naruto thought to himself.

"I can't deal with this right now. I have more important things to do with my time." Tsunade muttered angrily.

"I'm sorry to get your hopes up and waste your time," Tsunade said facing Sakura and Naruto. "let's try this again tomorrow, okay?"

"Can do!" Sakura said, excited for whats to come.

"Okay." Naruto said.

They all left his apartment, and Tsunade taped a little note to Kakashi's door. With the message for him to visit Tsunade's office immediately. 

"Naruto?" Sakura asked.


"Do you want to go train right now? It would be a good head start if we're going to start doing missions again."

He chucked.

"Uh No." He said. Why would he want to train, especially with her. Naruto could tell that made Sakura pissed.

"Well I hope you fall behind in a mission, and learn your lesson when you're begging for my help!"

"Sure whatever."

Naruto laughed as he turned to head back home. When he arrived at his little abode he went straight in laid on his bed. Maybe a mid day nap will lighten his mood. But his bed felt bony, and hard like a person.

"Ow!" A muffled voice said.

Panicking Naruto jumped up, and knocked off the blankets on his bed. At least now he knows where his Sensei is.

"Kakashi? What the hell are you doing here? And why the hell are you in my bed?"

"Were you followed?" Kakashi whispered quietly, his eye darting around to scan the room.

"Answer my question first!"

Kakashi ignored what he said, and still waited for Naruto to answer his question.

Naruto sighed. "No. I wasn't followed. Happy?"

Kakashi sat up on the bed slowly, taking careful movements, almost as if not to hurt himself.

"Naruto, I'm sorry." He whispered.

The atmosphere in the room changed, Naruto's body is coved in chills, everything suddenly felt serious.

"Is something wrong Kakashi-Sensei?" Naruto asked, sitting on the bed next to him.

"Yes. It's that... I can't be apart of the new team seven." It's as if he knew what was going on. But Naruto couldn't focus on the little signs, all he knew now was that nothing is going to change for him. Naruto stood up out of anger and confusion, balling his hands into fists.

"What do you mean you can't be apart of team seven?! We're already missing Sasuke! We can't lose you Kakashi-sensei!"

"Again, I'm sorry Naruto. It's just- you wouldn't understand." Kakashi said, his voice still quite and monotone.

"How can you be so calm?! How can you tell me this without being the least bit upset?!" Naruto closed his eyes, he couldn't even look him in the face as he began to cry.
"And I'm done with people telling me I don't understand, it's that they don't even give me a chance to try!" Naruto tries to calm himself down by taking a few breaths, but his words still come out in anger. "So tell me what's wrong... I'm older now Kakashi. Please, just tell me!"

"Naruto!" Kakashi yelled out, but his voice is shaky and uneven, very unlike himself. Surprised at his voice, Naruto paused and opened his eyes, looking at his Sensei.

"Can't you be nice to a dying man?"

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