Chapter 3 - The Noose

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***I try not to do these intros but yeah, it's been a while. You've made me very aware of that. Years of cliffhanger, damn***

Naruto's body froze. He seemed to be slipping away from himself, as if he stopped existing. Everything became surreal, and he want sure if this was happening.

"What?" Was all Naruto could manage to mutter.
"Naruto, I'm becoming weaker by the day."
"But, the team..." Naruto gripped at his own jacket. He could feel the tears swelling up behind his eyes. "...We need you, I need you!" Naruto busted out with emotion, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Naru-" Kakashi began to speak but Naruto cut him off. "What if I do something stupid again? What if I lose control?" Naruto said, his voice cracking as he can barely control his emotions. 

"I just ... I just need you to understand that I won't be around for much longer." Kakashi said with heavy breath. Looking over him Naruto noticed he was underweight, and that even sitting upright seemed difficult for Kakashi. He began to realize the weight of the situation and tried to collect himself.

"Kakashi-sensei, what's happening? You're scaring me." Naruto said as he sat down on the bed again. He grew anxious as Kakashi collected his thoughts, his heart began to beat harder and harder.

"It's been a fast decline, maybe two months ago... I thought it was a cold and I would be over it soon but, I've been getting worse everyday since." Kakashi glanced over to Naruto but immediately looked back down to his lap. Meeting his gaze was too hard him.

"You could've talked to us! Me, Sakura, anyone! But what we need to do now is go to a hospital." Naruto said with eagerness. He stood up holding on to his sensei's arm, trying to get him off of the bed. But, his arm went limp and Naruto was left holding Kakashi's hand.

"Please sit back down Naruto. I have a lot I need to tell you."

Naruto looked back at him confused. Now is not the time for talking, it's obvious Kakashi needs help. "Can we talk at the hospital then? You need to be treated as soon as possible." Naruto said tugging at Kakashi's hand. "You're not going to die, please just come with me... please." Naruto said distressed. The beating in his chest continues, and he grows more impatient.

"It'll be okay Naruto, that's why I need to talk to you." Kakashi sounded as calm as ever. Naruto couldn't understand how he could be okay with his situation. But maybe he just needs to hear him out. He took a deep breath and sat down next to Kakashi, still holding his hand.

"Naruto, you're much stronger than you make yourself out to be. I've done what I can to protect you, and I know you can make it on your own now." Kakashi paused to look down at their now intertwined fingers. "I just want to spend my time now knowing I did my best for you... I just want to spend my time, with you."

Naruto sat there quietly, contemplating something to say, anything to say. Instead he chose not to speak, and gently squeezed Kakashi's hand. It felt boney and light.

"Naruto can I stay here for the rest of the day?" Kakashi asked, finally making eye contact.

"You can stay for as long as you need sensei."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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