Chapter 1:The time that we still cherish the most

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It all started from the time ,we came into this very world, that a new course of destiny was planned for us,not were we only born but a whole new life had been bought around through the creation of God, people were rejoicing as it was a news of great excitement, the baby having no idea where he actually was , started crying, until his mother took him in her arms and embraced him, then did he finally could connect through the world, he realized that he actually did belong to them and soon started getting acquainted to his new world.
Time passes by as it does and the baby soon starts adapting himself to his new life as a human being, and gradually starts learning the basics of his life , from crawling to walking, from blabbering to speaking fluently, and soon does he learn all that is vital for his age group, we don't actually realize that although this period of life is a crucial one and requires a lot of learning but is actually the best time period because it is the only period when you live stress free , indeed like a flying bird in the sky with it's feathery wings outworn and stretched in all it's glory.This is the time when we start making memories, memories that are so close to the heart that we shall never forget them no matter wherever do we go. Very seldom do we hear the phrase that"Good phase of life ends much faster than the normal one does" and we surely do agree on the same.don't we?
But this doesn't mean that life stops here, after all it is a journey that is unpredictable. Soon we grow further moving away from childhood to a teen and further...
that shall be kept as a closely guarded secret until we unfold the undiscovered paths of life.

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