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"well... here goes nothing," Gracey said as she lifted her foot above my tiny little body.

"Just do it fast, and get it over with" I said to her, mostly trying to comfort myself. 

"I don't know if I can.." Gracey whimpered. 

"Yes you can. Please! You killed me once now just do it again! Quickly!"

"OAKY! HERE GOES!!" Gracey hovered her massive bare foot above me and slowly lowered it on top of me. I could feel the warmth of her soles as they pressed against my body. Her foot was soft and smooth. It pressed down on my small body and shoved me into the dirt. 

Her foot smelled like sweat and dust. The smell pierced my nostrils and I swore I could taste her feet without even opening my mouth. It was pressed against my body, but I wasn't dead...

"STOMP ON ME!" I yelled to her.

"oh-Okay..." She said as she lifted her massive foot off my body. Soon it came sent crashing back down on me. I felt multiple bones in my body snap, and break all at once. I screamed in pain and was regretting my choice and willingness to suffer. 

"STOP STOP STOP!" I yelled, however it was muffled by the massive wall that was her foot. She lifted it again and sent it crashing back down upon my small body with even more pressure. 

I screamed in agony. I couldn't move. She increased pressure and pressed her foot down on top of me harder, I tried to push her foot away but I couldn't fell my arms.

Her foot was pressed firmly against me. I was surrounded. I couldn't breath. And when I tried all I got was a mouthful of foot. 

I tried to scream or breath or struggle to escape. I was relieved when Gracey lifted her small pale foot off of me. But then watched in horror as it came back down and it was the last thing I saw....


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