11. Sunshine

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"Oh god, how many friends do you have in your small ass apartment?" You sighed and face palmed.

Jin squeezed his eyes shut and quickly spat out,


"Jin, I don't know what you're saying." You grunted.

"I have 6 people sleeping in our apartment."

Oh my god.

You sighed and prayed that they would all leave in a week.

"Okay... how long are they staying for?"

Jin held his breath and turned to the one that woke everyone up.

"Well, Jimin was supposed to be here but he's mad at me right now because I.. I did something with his sister and Jungkook is staying for a week."

That was the moment when you realized God was still alive and well. You clapped your hands once and sent out a prayer.

"Okay, that's great so that means everyone's going to leave in a wee-"

"The rest of the guys are staying for a couple of months."


"JIN ARE THEY EVEN PAYING THE BILLS IN THIS GOD DAMN HOUSE? NO. THEY AREN'T. GET OUT." You slapped Jin's shoulder as he yelped and jumped backwards.

"Jin you told me that your girlfriend was a dumbass, you never said she would be this ugly SKSKSKSKSKSKKSK." Jungkook snickered.

You snapped your head towards the little one.

"So.. You're the Jungkook that slept in the same bed as me and screamed. So, you've never woken up with a stranger in a bed after a one night stand? Why am I even asking, it's not like you even know what a one night stand is." You asked sarcastically.

"Psh, I don't DO one night stands. I have bitches in my crib that stay for as long as I need them AYEEEEEE-" Jungkook went to high five Jin, but Jin was too busy praying that you wouldn't beat his ass.

"Your balls haven't even dropped yet, and by bitches you probably meant your actual pet dogs because it's 2019 and we're respecting women."

"Damn.." The little one muttered. "You didn't have to go that hard."

"Hey, I'm Hoseok! Just call me Hobi! I'm glad you decided to come here, how long have you been living Jin?"

You still had your eyes on the teenage looking boy as you responded to a voice.

"Well, I've been living with this dumbass for about 5 months and it's been a pain in the as-"

You turn around to face the voice and see a CUTIE.

Oh?? Oh god. His.. smile?? His.. cute ass fuckin dimples???? Oh?????

"Ahem, I like your.. your.." You stuttered, forgetting the word to say.

"My...?" Hoseok slightly widened his eyes,  curious about what you were about to say


"Y-Your dickples."


"My.... dick?" He tilted his head in confusion.


You sighed and face palmed your face.

"I meant.. dimples. I like your dimples."

The red haired man smiled and shyed away.

A good looking man with a jaw that can cut people whispered into Hoseok's ear.

"Bruh, I think she wants your di-"

"AHEM. TAE. STOP. She's probably confused why 6 strangers are in her apartment." The intelligent looking man spoke, as he put on his glasses.

"Actually, it's not my apartment. I'm Jin's... roommate?" You end on a question mark, since you seriously don't know the relationship between you and Jin.

"Oh wow. Quite unusual for Jin to have a roommate. Hi, my name is Namjoon."

"Joon?" You asked, since you couldn't hear him that well.

He smiled and nodded.

"That too."

"Yo, who's this?" You see a sleepy man walk towards you.

"Her name is ____. Isn't she cute?" Hoseok said with a smile that was brighter than the sun.

"Not really. I'm going to the bathroom, losers." The blonde man walked to the other side of the house.

"Sorry about him," Hobi answered. "He's only like that when he's around people he doesn't know. He's such a lil cutie after you get to know him!" Hobi responded, slinging his arm around your shoulders.

"Wow, ___. You smell really good! What is this scent? Hm... cotton candy?" Hoseok smiled even harder than before, and at this point you were blinded with unicorns and rainbows. This man made your heart beat as fast as a cheetah on crack.

"Okay, hands off my roommate. Hoseok, you're too close." Jin slides Hoseok's arm off of you.

"Huh?" You stared at Jin. He gave you a look that SCREAMED, " Just go along".

"Oh.." Hoseok paused and looked at you and Jin. "Are you guys.. dating?"

"What? No, we aren't dating." You both said.

"Then what are you guys?" Hobi asked with the other members looking slightly curious.

"We're.. we're..." You both looked at each other, confused as hell. Honestly. You don't.. know. How do you put "we aren't friends even though we act like it, and we occasionally fuck when we're horny" as a word?

"We're just.. friends." You said.

"Oh!" Hoseok cheered, looking slightly relieved. "Oh, good!"

Yoongi came out of the bathroom and paused.

"Guys. It's midnight, let's go to sleeeeeeeeeep.." The old grandpa went into the room first and motioned the others to follow him.

"Yeah.. it's way too early to be awake. Let's go to sleep, and we can talk about this later." Jin cleared his throat and gestured you goodbye.

You turned around to head back to your room, but you heard someone call out your name.

You turned around again, and saw Hoseok waving.

"Have a good rest."

He waved as he smiled again and headed into Jin's room.

You smiled back and nodded.

You finally collapse on your bed and sigh, trying to process this new information.

You were thinking of all the boys, Namjoon, Jungkook, Yoongi, Tae, Jin, Jimin, and.. Hoseok.

Damn. You wanted Hoseok's smile to be tattooed on your forehead. The man was so innocent looking, you should act less defensive and perverted too.. agh. Worth a try, you never really liked being an asshole anyway. That was a lie, you LOVED being an asshole since it was so fun. He's so innocent though.. whatever. You can be innocent too. Agh, this is hurting your head. Let's just wake up tomorrow and figure it out later.


BRUH THANK YALL FOR 4K READS I STILL CAN'T BELIVE IT. Sorry it's taking so long to update :( I've been so unmotivated recently, but I'm back!!

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