Christmas ball {Royality/Analogical}

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Fluff; No AU; No warnings; 1352 words


The doors leading into the ballroom were thrown open, a choir of gasps drifting up the stairs as the beginnings of an icy blue ball gown peeked from behind the door frame. A normally bubbly, but now rather shy male stepped from behind it, the rest of the gown skirt flowing around him like water, shimmering under the gentle candlelight. More gasps followed, music starting to overtake them, and the doorman leaned over to gain the man's name.

All the while, from a balcony a story above the guests, and the dancing, and the noise, a man of similar stature in a classic black suit watched on as the doorman announced the lovely lad.

"Patton Sanders, guest of honor." The doorman's voice easily overwhelmed the music, meaning no strain was required to hear him. The guests looked among themselves, and back at Patton as he walked down the golden staircase, into the crowd, which begun to part. Whispers irrupted, all good, based around Patton's lovey dress, and his status. Couples begun to dance again, others continuing to chat among themselves, and Patton headed in the direction of the refreshments table.

A voice spoke from behind the black suited man. "He's finally arrived?" Logan asked, stepping onto the balcony Virgil resided on. "Where-" Virgil silently pointed to Patton, a soft smile on his face as he admired his best friends outfit choice.

"You should have seen Patton's face when they announced him as guest of honor, it was priceless." Virgil chuckled leaning himself over the railing, seemingly to get a better look at the beautiful event transpiring. Logan placed a hand on Virgil's shoulder, silently cautioning him to be careful, and he as well leaned over the rail.

"I'm sure he was incredibly surprised." Logan commented in return. "Is Roman late, again?" He raised a brow, scanning the ball room. "You go through all this effort to arrange the Christmas ball this year, so he wouldn't have to, and he can't even show up on time?"

Virgil smiled over at Logan, to which he earned an exasperated sigh. "He'll show up, he probably just wants to be 'fashionably late'." Virgil mocked playfully, and Logan huffed out a short laugh when Virgil did Romans pose to finish the statement.


Virgil and Logan's attention was drawn by Romans announcement. "Roman Sanders, guest of honor." The ballroom fell silent as guests stared in awe at Roman, who was flaunting a rose red suit, his hair slicked back, and an infuriatingly charming smile playing on his lips. The guests were quicker to resume their activities than they were when it came to Patton. Romans was handsome, yes, but Patton was stunning, angelic almost. He outshone Roman, and all the other guests.

Roman made his way down the staircase, and Patton watched him, a wide smile gracing his lips. Patton had a very obvious, to everyone but Roman, crush on the creative side. He absentmindedly swirled his punch, too shy to actually approach Roman. They were close friends, almost as close as Virgil and Logan, but Patton wasn't good in the more romantic style situations, like this one.

Roman on the other hand, made his way over to Patton the moment he spotted him.

"And so it begins." Virgil rested his head in his palm, propping his elbow on the railing, watching Roman cross the ball room, dance stepping his way between couples, and heading towards Patton. Logan rolled his eyes a bit, halfway sitting on the railing, watching as well.

"You're going so far out of your way to get them together." Logan mumbled, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, eyes trailing after a couple that begun to stumble in the middle of their dance, before circling back to land on Roman and Patton.

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