First Day Jitters

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I woke suddenly. It was morning, the day before was the day before our birthday. This was my first birthday with the Ice-claws, and I was nervous. I looked at my sister sleeping beside me. She was so calm and peaceful when she slept. I was kinda hungry so I decided to see if there was anything in the catch, where food was stored. I picked out a vole, and a bird for Zara if she was awake. When I got back she was yawning and looking around blearily.

I threw the bird to her "happy birthday sis."

She smiled, "what time is it?" She stretched.

"I have no idea," and I bit into the vole.

It tasted sweet, like ham, but with more flavor. I could feel myself gaining energy. After I finished we went to the sun rock to hang out. It was around 10:00 AM human time, I looked out on the big flat rock the spanned out from winter-themed clearing. It was covered in snow, I smiled evilly, and looked at Zara, she was sniffing around the newly fallen snow. The next thing she new a pawful of snow hit her face. Her head whipped around, I squeaked and bolted.

"Oh it is so on!" she laughed

We had a snow battle for a few minutes before a voice called out to us.

"What is this?" asked Mom.

"A snow fight!" I cried.

She laughed and joined in, a ball of snow whacked against my head. I sputtered and bounded after her with a returning serve. I heard a yelp behind me and a flash of wings, Zara had slipped over the edge of the rock. I peered over the edge, and she lunged upwards at my face, we rolled and tumbled to a skidding stop. Soaked and covered with snow. I was cracking up, we lay exhausted laughing ourselves to tears. Mom stood above us with a smile.

"Happy Birthday you two" she said.

"Now come on and get up, you need to dry off before your choosing ceremony." She added.

I sat bolt upright, I was so caught up having fun, I completely forgot about that. We headed back into the main hollow where a huge fire snapped and crackled. Jay was waiting for us.

"Happy birthday," he greeted warmly.

"Thanks," we said simultaneously.

"It's scary when you do that you know," he stated.

I shrugged and scooted closer to the fire. Honestly I was jumping out of my pelt with nerves, what was I going to get placed in? would I like it there? Would I be with my sister? I always fancied being a battle-claw, but what if my dad decided my place was elsewhere? I spread out one of my wings and felt the warmth seep into my bones.

"You're worried, aren't you?" said Jay.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"I may be blind, but I can practically taste your nerves, just relax, whatever he places you in is what you're destined to be," he said.

"What about you? you didn't want to be a medal-claw." I protested.

"Yeah," said Zara.

"Well... you can't tell anyone, but Nepal told me that..." he trailed off.

"What?" asked Zara.

"That my parents visited him in a dream, they told him to make me a medal-claw, I've never been happier," he said.

"Wow," I said.

All of a sudden a booming caterwaul echoed throughout the cavern. Everyone's attention was averted to the Tallrock, standing above was our father Nepal. I shivered, and we made our way up to the front. Nepal addressed the crowd.

"Today, two young Ice-claws have reached the age of fourteen winters, Zachariah, Zarathustra, step forward," he boomed.

The crowd gasped as we, the heirs, made our way to the base of Tallrock.

"Zarathustra, a curious young kit you were, always poking your nose into things, you always had a fiercely strong heart, but closely followed by self-doubt," he paused and turned to me.

"Zachariah, you were taken as a kit, I never got to see you grow up, but these few months together have taught me that you favor family above all, though a majority seem to be after your memories," I felt tears prick in the corners of my eye.

I was feeling very mixed and swirly. Emotions of joy, happiness, embarrassment, and sadness whirled around in me.

"I have decides to place you under the apprenticeship of Sierra, as battle-claws," he finished.

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