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I looked at my wrapped up wing mournfully, this would take a while. I didn't really have a destination, I just calmly walked through the ancient trees. Then I got an idea, I remembered back when I first came to the Hill, one of the forest's defensive mechanisms was to turn intruders into trees. I wondered how many of these trees were humans. I shuffled up to one and placed my ear up to it, it seemed quite frivolous but I was just testing a theory. Not a sound, not even a whisper, then I heard a voice.

"Are you listening to that tree?" A she-claw's voice said

I backed away from the tree, feathers ruffled in embarrassment. The voice appeared to be coming from a dark patch from under a rock, I couldn't quite make out the speakers appearance.

"W-what? trees? that ridiculous!" I stuttered

She laughed "who are you? I don't believe I ever seen you before"

"I don't believe I ever seen you before" I said

"Well it's been nice talking but I must go" then she bolted.
I got a fuzzy look at her as she ran. The she-claw was a dark brown, and sharp green wings. She looked back at me and I noticed her eyes matched her wings.

I tried to follow her, but as soon as I got over the ridge, she was gone. I shrugged and continued on. I took in the sweet crisp air of snow. I had not yet crossed the Ice-claw clearing and the world was still fresh at white. I left little paw marks in the newly fallen snow. You couldn't enjoy nature like this when you're human that's for sure. Everything was so big, and, untouched.
I suddenly slipped and fell face first into snow. Instead of getting up I lay crouched, in front of me was a tiny tunnel under the snow. I bet if I waited long enough a little ground mouse would come scurrying about. Sure enough I heard the rumbling of little paws, I could see something white now, I hissed and jumped into air as I realized it was a weasel. Nasty creatures weasels, bit my nose once. I watched it from afar as it chased down a mouse and killed it. Then I shrieked as a gray fox jumped from nowhere and landed head first on the weasel. Then watched as it devoured both. Surprisingly it turned toward me and started talking.

"Aye, good catch that one! now who might you be?" He said

"Zach, son of Nepal" I said

He took in a sharp breath "Zachariah? the heir? your majesty" he performed a deep bow "didn't know you were still alive!"

"Who are you?" I asked, a little surprised he knew my name

"Shadow, most just call me Shadow" he answered

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