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I was finally released from the den, I could hear Jay follow from behind.

"Wait Zach, maybe this isn't as bad as it seems" he said

"No, it doesn't get much worse than this" I grumbled

"Zach wait!" he cried

I just kept going forward, trying to ignore the surrounding chaos. The noise, the smells, and the sight.

"Zachariah! you stop right there!" he yelled

I froze, then my vision flickered, and the next thing I know Jay is nursing a scratch across his muzzle. What's happening to me?!

"Why did you do that?" Jay questioned softly

"Jay y-you have to b-believe me, I didn't do it!" I pleaded

I didn't wait for him, I ran.

I bumped into Sarah, my vision flickered, she had a scratch.

It happened to every single claw I ran into, tears stained my vision. All I knew is that I had to run, far away so no one would get hurt. No one would get hurt because of me.

I just kept running, then suddenly, there was no ground beneath my paws. My wings flew open, but I continued to tumble through the air. The world twisted and turned as I struggled to get a grip on the air. Then they finally caught a cross breeze, and I was yanked upward, but not before I hit the ground and somersaulted. Pain flared like wildfire through my left wing, my head hit something hard, and I lost consciousness.

Mountain Sound (Dragonfly #3)Where stories live. Discover now