Well ...Senior year , might be a little better than I thought

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We arive at school on time, thank God. We walk into the school , passing the freshmans who look like theyre going to pass out any minute , and we eventually make it to our lockers. Our lockers are right next to each other this year , I see Harry out of the corner of my eye and he holds up his finger to his mouth signaling me to not tell Tyler he was there.

Harry comes up behind Tyler and wraps his arms around her and she almost went ape shit because she gets scared easily and he knows that, but he still gets entertainment from it everytime. Turns out Harry's locker is next to Tyler's so that just made her whole year better.

We all have first period together , Biology . We walk into the room and our teacher holds out a bag and every other person pulls out a slip of paper so Tyler pulled one Harry kept walking and then I pulled one. Mrs. Jackson told us not to open the slip until she said so , she calls out our names to make sure.no one is absent. I turned my head to notice a dirty blond boy, who looked like his hair was naturally brunette and I look away quickly.

I've never seen him before...he's mysterious...I like that in a guy. Mrs. Jackson tells us we can open the slips of paper and whoevers name was on the slip would be our biology partner for first semester. I open mine and the name Niall Horan is on it, I have a gut feeling that it's the mysterious dirty blond because I've never heard that name before ..."David. David Hernadez.." I snap back into reality to realize Mrs. Jackson was asking me to call out the name of my partner. "Oh..uh, Niall Horan.." I felt like I stuttered... fuck. "Okay, Niall yoh can move over to the lab table David is at.", she says.

"Okay...", he says... he sounds nervous, and he has an Irish accent..so we have a new student senior year. A cute student to be exact.

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