Here Comes The Fame

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*November 17th 2009*

*Christina's POV*

I havent talked to Justin in like 8 months but his first cd was released today. Hannah, Chelsea, Becky, Ari & I were goin to the store to buy it. On our way there my phone started going off.

Text From Ryan: uh are you going to buy Justin's cd today?

To Ryan: yea were on our way now. why?

From Ryan: You cant listen to the whole thing, or read all the names.

To Ryan: Oook..why not?

From Ryan: Idk its Justin's orders..soo yea PLEASE just follow them..

Me: So Ryan says I cant listen to the all the songs or read all the names. One of you have to buy it or I will, then we have to put the ones I CAN listen to on my ipod.

Ari: Yea we all know, we know what you cant hear. We got this.

Me: So why can't I hear all of them?

Hannah: Cant say just, know that you cant.*smiles*

Tweets: So Im on my way to buy @JustinBieber's cd "My World" SO EXCITED & HAPPY FOR HIM! why cant I listen to all the songs tho?

We got to the store & I picked up Justin's cd. I looked at the front of it then handed it to the closest person to me. Chelsea grabbed it & my money & walked up to the counter. She paid for her's & mine, then the other 3 paid for theirs. After they all bought it we headed back home. That's when my phone went off & I read the tweet that made me wanna smack Justin.

@JustinBieber tweeted: FINALLY "My World" is out, can't wait for Pretty much EVERYONE to hear ALL the songs ;)

He just wanted to rub it in my face. I decided I was gonna ignore his little tweet & put the songs the girls allowed me to on my ipod. As soon as it was sync'd I hooked it up to my stereo & played it. When I finished all the songs I HAD to tweet about it.

Tweet: OMG @JustinBieber I LOVE the album(or what I could hear of it), I'm so proud of you!! CONGRATS!!

DM from @JustinBieber: Thank you, it means alot that you like it :) sorry you cant hear them all but you will eventually :)..Miss you.

I DM'd him back telling him I missed him too & I better hear the other songs soon. It wasnt fair, the rest of the world got to hear ALL of them WHEN they bought the cd. I however had no idea how many songs I couldnt hear or anything about them OR even WHEN I will hear them.

I decided aganist tryin to figure out the other names. So I had to avoid twitter a bit, I wound up following some of the fans Justin had made. They were really nice & kept asking me to follow them, so I did. The same with Ryan, Chaz, & pretty much anyone else that was friends with Justin. They had no idea that I use to date him, only that we were friends, I liked it that way. Alot of people didnt even believe me yet they wanted me to follow them. One day Justin tweeted who all his friends were, of course me, the girls 7 all his friends from Canada were on that list. I've gained alot of followers that day, & since that day.

*Thanksgiving Day*

This was prolly the weirdest Thanksgiving I've ever had. Ryan wasnt here, just Hannah, my parents & I. Although Canada has a different day for Thanksgiving then America we still celebrated it together. However this was like the first time like, EVER working & stuff made it so we couldnt go there & they couldnt come here. It sucked to be honest, though we had dinner with Ari and her parents. They were basically family, they sure felt like it, we've never been apart from them either unless we went to Canada.

Mom: So Christina honey, the next time you hook your iPod up to the stereo either turn it down when you're done or unhook it please.

Me: Sorry mom

Mom: its ok I just about had a heart attack tho when I heard Justin singing, it was so loud.

Hannah: Im actually SICK of hearing Justin singing.

Ari: You play it THAT much?

Me: I mean, a little. I love his songs, & of course i LOVE his voice.

Ari: but, still..

Hannah: she prolly really just imagines their all about her *smirks & laughs*

Me: NO! I dont think any of them are, but wouldnt you feel dumb if one or all of them were?

Hannah: No, not really, I dont care like you do. *sings*love me love me say that you love me*laughs*


We finished eating Thanksgiving dinner & helped clean up. When we were done we went upstairs & before I could unhook my ipod which was last playin Justin, Ari pushed play. Bigger started to play but thankfully not loud.

Ari: *sigh* if only.

Me: If only what?

Ari: Oh nothing, just thinkin.

Me: abouuuutt what?

Ari: I cant tell you! its a secret.

Me: since when do we keep secrets?

Ari: since never but I cant tell you.

I kept trying to get the info from Ari but she wouldnt say anything. Hannah came walkin in my room & they seemed to have some kinda code talk going on. They clearly knew something that I didnt & I was determind to find out what it was. One way or another one of them will spill or something. Lately I've been feeling left out of alot of their convos, same with the other girls & even Ryan. This was more unsual then Ryan not being here or us not being in Canada for Thanksgiving. I was gonna figure it out, i dont care how.

*New Years Eve/Day(2009/2010)*

This year we were yet again in Canada. We were having out usual party going on yet this year we had "Dick Clarks Rockin New Years Eve" on. Justin was suppose to be performing, so of course we were all gonna watch it. It was almost time for him to come on, I decided to get a drink really quick then RAN back to the couch. As soon as I did the tv announced Justin & he popped on the screen. His foot in a cast and all, I felt bad for what had happened to him. He did it like a champ tho, just like the day it happened and he stayed on stage. He loved his fans, truely loved them and didnt ever want to disappoint them. He was singing 'One Less Lonely Girl' when the dancers brought the stool on stage. For a second I was really confused, trying to figure out who he would bring out. A few moments later I got my answer, Selena Gomez. Something about it didnt worry me, though Im sure his fans will be in a frenzie tonight.

Justin: If you let me inside your world, there's gonna be One Less Lonely Girl.

He ended the song & the crowd cheered, him & Selena hugged and they walked off stage. I smiled I was so proud that was the only actual live performance I saw of his. I saw videos on youtube but nothing live, live. I decided to call it an early night, I went upstairs and tweeted Justin how proud I was of him, then drifted off to sleep.


*Note To Readers*

IF YOU WANT ME TO CONTINUE PLEASE LET ME KNOW...this was the LAST chapter i had finished when i was writting it. my last laptop had died & i wasnt sure if anyone was still into if you would like me to continue let me know cause i will work on it faster then my original plan. If not i will still finish it just maybe not as fast..Thanks for reading..let me know your thoughts please weather they are good or bad :) .x

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