Valentines..kiss anyone?

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*Becky's POV*

When we got to the dance we waited by the doors for Jake. After about 5 minutes he showed up. Just in time too cause they just opened the doors. We danced for about a half hour then walked to get a drink.

Hannah: Man I wish Christian was here.

Ari: haha well, sorry bout yout luck.

Chelsea: Seems like Christina & Jake are hitting it off.

Hannah: I dont think he will get to far.

Me: Why?

Ari: one reason & one reason only *Hannah Joined in* Justin.

Me: She's still into him like that?

Hannah: that star necklace she has on..she just got it today from him.

Ari: His ringtone, 'We Belong Together'..Yea she is.

Chelsea: wow, but Jake likes her, alot.

Me: Yea he told us to have that convo so he could ask her to the dance.

Chelsea: But we didnt know THAT would happen

We all turned to see what Chelsea was lookin at. It was Jake & Christina, kissing. Now hearing that she wasnt over Justin I wasnt sure if I liked this. Jake has been my friend since second grade. I loved him like he was my brother, except he was nicer then my brother so I probley loved him more. I just looked away & got my drink not wanting to see anymore.

*Ari's POV*

I stood there a second kinda confused. Seeing Christina kissing Jake made no sense. She never told me that she liked him. Besides with the smile on her face when she saw what Justin bought her today. She seemed like once again no one mattered but Justin, yet she was kissing Jake. I know they both start with a J but other then that their nothing alike.

Hannah: *whispered to me* what is she doing?

Me: I have no idea, im so lost.

I turned towards the table turning Hannah with me. we both decided we were goin to talk to her. The second she walked over to us, we were walking to the bathroom.

*Christina's POV*

Jake & I walked over to join the girls when Hannah & Ari pulled me away. They dragged me away into the bathroom as fast as they could. I guess something was said or happened when I wasnt around them. That was pretty much the only time we ever did that to eachother.

Hannah: What are you doing?

Me: What do you mean?

Ari: You kissed Jake..

Me: Well he kissed me, I kinda kissed back.

Hannah: um..WHY?

Me: Why are you two freaking? It was kinda just a moment, no big thing. We just friends.

Hannah: so you think!

Ari: He likes you Christina. As more then a friend.

Me: oh snap. uuhhhh thats not good, I dont like him like that. I dont think.

Ari: well then you may been to talk to him. What do you mean you dont think.

Me: well i mean, hes cool, fun, sweet & cute. Before today I mean I think i may have liked him like that.

Hannah: its Justin huh? Gettin that gift second guessed all your feelings.

Me: Yea pretty much. not really second guess my feelings, but prove that I still REALLY like him.

We talked a little about what I was gonna do. I decided that I would talk to Jake as soon as we walked out of the bathroom. I couldnt lead him on not knowing I could date him. Thats not the kinda girl I am, I wasnt sure he'd get the chance. I took a deep breath walking out of the bathroom with Ari & Hannah. This is not gonna be the easiest conversation I've ever had.

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