Alone Time

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*Before You Read*

Please let me know you're thoughts on the story..good or bad I can handle it & would apprecate it :)



*Justin's POV*

I woke up today not havin a clue what Christina & I were gonna do. I wanted to have fun but also just hang out. She only had a week or two left here then she was goin home. Thats when things would suck, i wont see her everyday or almost everyday. I rolled out of bed & went to take a shower & get dressed. When I was done I'd call her to see if she was ready.

*Christina's POV*

I woke up to Ari & Hannah laughin about who knows what. I looked at the time & hopped outta bed.

Hannah: Oh well good morning.

Me: Good morning.

Ari: What are we doin today.

Me: Uh idk bout you two but im hangin out with Justin alone today.

Hannah: Oh way to leave us.

Me: We're always with everyone. Maybe you two should do the same with Christian & Ryan today.

I grabbed my clothes while talkin to them & walked out the room to get a shower. When I got out & was dressed I ran downstairs to eat. Ryan was in the kitchen eating pancakes also.

Me: Where's mine??

Ryan: Waiting for you to make them.

Me: Well thats not nice. *I opened the fridge*

Ryan: What are you lookin for?

Me: Idk theres nothing here that I really want to eat. Maybe Ill just eat an apple.

I sat down at the table to talk to Ryan while we both ate. I told him that he should hang out with Ari today, just him & her. He nodded & said that sounded like an idea, he was gonna tell Christian too. I mean he understood the whole idea behind it, we werent here much longer.

Me: Ugh just the thought of leavin makes me sad.

Ryan: I know, then I wont see you till like Thanksgiving.

Me: Yeah & we'll be in a whole other state then.

Ryan: What do you mean?

Me: Oh you didnt hear? My mom & dad are both gettin jobs in california. That's why i cant stay till the actual end of summer.

Ryan: well, what about Ari.

Me: Ryan..have you EVER been to our house & not see her. Everytime our family moves so does hers *I laughed, it was true*

Ryan: So she's gonna be there too?

I shook my head instead of answering. Justin was callin me, CRAP i wasnt ready yet. I ran up the stairs while pushing the talk button.

Me: Hello *outta breath*

Justin: What are you doing?

Me: Oh nothing, just running upstairs.

Justin: Why? *i could tell he was smiling*

Me: Cause I still have to do my hair & make-up.

Justin: uh then dont put on make-up. You dont need it. I would say not to worry bout your hair-

Me: But I got a shower so my hair is blah & you know ill do it anyway?

Justin: yea thats it. Well im comin over now anyway, ill wait there if your not ready.

Me: ok ill see you in a little bit.

I hung up the phone & grabbed the straightener. I just finished up when Justin got to the hosue. I walked downstairs & left him finish his convo with Ryan before sayin bye to them & leaving. I had no idea what we were doin & I honestly didnt care cause i'd be with him. We wound up goin to the mall first.

Me: So what are we gonna do here?

Justin: I dont know walk around, buy stuff, who knows.

Me: We dont need to buy anything except some frozen yogurt. I only ate an apple today.

We walked towards the food court to get some frozen yogurt. Justin tried to pay for it but i refused to let him. We walked around the mall for a while before we decided to go to the park. Neither of us could think of anything to do, we can run off too many places, were not old enough.

*Justin's POV*

We sat on the swings a while & talked. It was nice to be with her without anyone else around. The next thing the calm moment turned into lots of running, laughin & yelling. She was runnin around the playground from me while makin jokes.

Christina: Your not gonna get me JERKSTIN.

I kept runnin after her. Truth is, I wasnt tryin to catch her right now. I was letting her think she could out run me. After a little bit I carefully tackled her down to the ground.

Me: who's not catchin you?

Christina: We'll you werent for a while anyway *she sat up*

Me: I was letting you get away.

Christina: uh huh sure.

Me: I was, so..what do you wanna do now?

Christina: I dont know what do you wanna do?

We agreed to just go back to my house & watch a movie. It would be a good way to end the day since she'd have to go then. We walked back to my house hand in hand. Of course when we got there she HAD to say hi to my mom. We told her that we'd be downstairs watchin a movie. We decided to watch 'Step Up' its one of her favorite movies. Lucky for her it just came out on DVD & we bought it. When the movie was over I walked her home then went to my grandparents house to sleep.

*Christina's POV*

After Justin dropped me off all I did was smile. Today couldnt have been any better. I walked in the guest room where Hannah & Ari were talkin about their days.

Hannah: AH your just in time. We both just got here too.

Me: Really thats great. *i smile*

Hannah went first, then Ari then me. It seemed like we all had a pretty great day. I think it was all something we needed. I told Ari she could sleep in the bed tonight I was gonna kick Ryan outta his. I went to Ryan's room & made him move to the floor. We told eachother about out day. The last thing I remember was layin down lookin at the ceiling smiling, thinking about my day before I fell asleep.

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