Chapter 1

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Amanda's POV

I walk to the bus in my favorite pair of skinny jeans and a blue tank. I strap my bag around my shoulder and get on the bus. Its the middle of the school year and I have been slammed into lockers and called Stupid or Retard but I know that Isn't true. I'm beautiful, and I'm a nice person. I walk down the isle and sit by my Best friend Kelsey.

"Hey." she says really excited.

"Hey, so what ya doin?" I say to her.

"Nothing much. You?" she asks.

"Same." I say with a shrug.

"So, have you practiced your powers yet?" She asks in a whisper. I playfully slap her in the shoulder.

"You know we aren't allowed to talk about it." I say sternly to her.

"Have you?" she asks raising a eyebrow.

"Maybe I have." I say defeated.

"I knew it!" she says jumping up and down.


So how do you guys like it? What do you think they are leave it in the comments please. ~ Merfins14 :-)

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