A Lie and a Promise

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"Can we just ditch English, please?"

"Sam, you know I have to get my grades up in that class. No way." Alex shrugged me off and kept walking, stuffing yet another book into his backpack.

"Right, sorry," I pouted and took another sip from my fruit smoothie as I walked beside him, struggling to match his pace. "It's just that I can't stand Mr. Perez. He's out to get me, I'm telling you."

Alex didn't answer. He kept walking with a straight face. I frowned and stepped in front of him. "Hey, what's wrong? You okay?"

He sighed. "Yeah, guess I'm just stressed about my grades, why?"

"You've been... different today. You sure that's all it is?" I realized Alex wasn't looking at me, instead he tensed at the sight of something over my shoulder. I turned and saw Nick walk down the hallway. My heart instantly sped up as he neared. He didn't spare either Alex or me a glance. Alex rolled his eyes.

"Is everything okay with Nick?"

He scoffed. "It's stupid, it's just-" He shook his head and readjusted the backpack slung over his shoulder. He started walking again, probably so he didn't have to meet my gaze. "I'm sick of him always lying to me. To everyone in my family. No one knows where he is half the time and I can tell it's starting to take a toll on his mom. But he doesn't give a shit. He never does." He looked like he wanted to get this off his chest, so I just listened. "Like yesterday, he showed up all beaten up in the morning. He lied to his mom, and he lied to me too when I asked him about it."

"Well, he had a boxing fight that night, didn't he?"

He shook his head. "He's never gotten so roughed up like that. Besides, people were saying Nick walked away with barely a scratch. I'm just worried about him. Who knows what kind of mess he's in?"

I know.

"You should've seen him yesterday, he looked like shit."

"Alex, I'm sure he'll be fine. The cuts weren't so deep, they just bruised badly." As soon as the last word came out of my mouth, I realized what I'd said. Alex did too, his eyebrows shot up.

"I mean- I think they aren't so deep. He looked fine to me now when he walked by. Anyways, we should get to English-" I didn't take a full step before he grabbed my hand and turned me to him again.

"You know what happened to him, don't you?"


"Sam, I can tell when you're trying to hide something. Tell me." He grabbed me by my arm, pleading. I thought about telling him, I really did. But it wasn't my place to say. I couldn't tell him. So instead I took the coward's way out and yet again, I lied to my best friend.

"Alex, I don't know what you're talking about." His hopeful expression fell then. It distorted into a look that made my gut twist as he dropped his hand from my arm. "So you're lying to me too, huh?"

My heart sunk.

I felt a strong grip on my wrist from behind me pull me back and I yelped. I dazingly realized Nick was holding on to me and trailing me along the hallway, glaring at me. "Nick, wait."

He didn't stop, and his pace was still fast as ever even though the limp he tried to conceal tainted his walk. I looked back to Alex, who was watching us closely as we walked away, the betrayal in his eyes flashing to the both of us. My mind was spinning. "Nick, stop!" He released his grip from my wrist and turned to me with a deadly glare.

"What did you say to him?"

"Nick, what-"

"Sam, did you tell him or not?" He said with a serious tone.

"No, I didn't," Nick sighed out a breath of relief and brushed a hand through his hair. "Nick, we have to talk-"

"-You can't tell anyone about that night, Sammi. Not even Alex." He hesitated. "Especially Alex."

"I won't. I promise." Nick didn't appear to hear me; his jaw was hard set and he kept glancing over his shoulder, looking back at Alex. The bruises on his face still made my gut twist. He wore a jacket that hid the ones on his neck. I grabbed his arm gently, careful to not wander upon any bruises, he finally looked me in the eye. "I promise." I repeated, slowly, so he knew I meant it. He looked at me, and his hardened features relaxed, morphing into something pretty mesmerizing. I was amazed at how from an expression so menacing, it could soften into something that made my heart skip a beat.

A few seconds passed before he nodded, took my hand suddenly, and led me away from the crowded hallway. My heart caught in my throat as he walked with determination, not even noticing how many people were watching us as we walked.

As soon as we exited the building, we were out alone in the quiet and he let go of my hand, sunlight warming the skin where goosebumps had appeared when he touched me. "Sammi," he started, a look of calm taking over his golden eyes. "I really am sorry, for everything. I don't know how things got so screwed up..." he trailed off as if recalling past mistakes. I could tell it was hard for him to talk about this. Both of us wanted this to just be done. "Anyway, it's all over. I had to get something Red wanted, but they're gone. For good, I promise."

I sighed out in relief. I trusted him, against my better instincts. I wanted to ask what Red wanted, but I had a feeling he didn't want to dig deeper into that. I knew more than enough already.

"I'm sorry, too." I spurted, feeling the guilt stir up in my stomach whenever I saw the bruises on his face. "I'm sorry you got hurt because of this."

His eyebrows knitted together and he shook his head. I could've sworn he shuffled just the tiniest bit closer. I could feel his eyes tracing the scars on my cheek I still had from the first time I'd met Terrence. Lowering his voice, he said "I promised myself I wouldn't let that bastard ever touch you again. I'm just glad I could stop them before you were hurt. I don't- I don't know what I would've done."

I was lost for words, lost in his gaze instead. I couldn't think, unaware of the passing seconds trickling by. The sound of the door opening startled us both.

We both turned back to find the principal, arms crossed, glaring at us. "Mr. Carter, Miss Rosewood. Care to join me in my office?"

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