Precious to me

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After he finished changing I go into the woods to change my shirts, my tank is tight around my belly hugging it in places.The mid winter air is too cold. It's funny how fast things change when you're pregnant. Moods, hot or cold, hungry or not, puking or not, having to pee. And trust me babies like angel move around all day long and your back bone will murder you, those babies kick it like it's a base ball. I put the coat on over top looking for some scissors.

"Where are they?" I sift through the trunk of the car for the scissors finally finding them under my work bag. "There you are!" I smile pulling my tank top away from my belly Barely able to get the blade under it I snip up wards cutting the fabric to just beneath my breast.

"Now what do we do?" I ask Aztec worriedly. It's cold Angels kicking and he's about to pop my dads button.

"Well we look for a bus or a taxi" I pout my face red and tired.
"It'll be okay, we can get there. Just give me time to think" he says plainly

"It's too cold to think" I shivver walking around following the road with my shoe covered feet "let's just follow the road maybe we can find a better way" I suggest.

"Did you bring a phone?" He asks shutting me down. I nod
"Where?" I point to the driver seat he walks over and grabs my broken phone from the floor board. He pushes down on the power button leaning on the side of the car. It turns on and he calls a tow service and a taxi service then it dies only having two percent.
He sighs letting out a hot breath of air.

"I'm sorry about the low charge, at least we have a way home" I make light of the situation he reply's by putting his hand on my head and shaking it.

"It's going to be okay, don't apologize we've all done that at one point" he smiles hugging me. "Just stay warm until they get here" he smiles rubbing my arms through the coat.

"About rooming, you can sleep in my room tonight so long as you don't snuggle too rough I have a doctor appointment tomorrow with angel and she doesn't need to be squished" I say looking down. He grabs my chin scratching it a little bit.

"Be quiet for now no more big and bustulious talk" he holds me close warming me and my child. 'Pay attention Lilly this be what got your ass pregnant' the voice in my head reminds me as the taxi drives up I take a seat grabbing my money passing it to Aztec.

"Here, my fare" I say waving it, instead he pays with his own money buckling himself in the taxi driver takes us home. Guys, why they gotta pay my fee all the time. I do my best to stay awake until we get home but utterly failing I crash on his lap. The next thing I know is I'm being carried I open my eyes to see Aztec carrying me to my room he places me down softly on my mattress.

"You didn't have-" I'm cut off by his lips greeting mine but rather than fight it I indulge in the kiss deepening it allowing him entrance into my mouth and letting his hands explore my body. LILLY WAKE UP THIS IS JUST A DREAM, YOU WANT HIM TO LEAVE TOO but I ignore the voices in my head and let him kiss me I let him love me, we get no farther than a kiss and a sweet make out session but inside I'm burning like a passion fire burning red.

He gently removes his lips from mine and his hands from my body. I can tell he's hard. But I don't want him to feel trapped. If he was to find someone better than me I'd let him. He deserves all the happiness in the world. Not tragedy all that I own...

"From now on ur my responsibility, if you feel like I'm doing too much. That's my job Lilly now get some rest u have a doctors appointment tomorrow" He smiles kissing my ear wrapping a arm on my belly where angel kicks and kicks and kicks. I feel like a burden, but that's what he was to me a burden at one time. But not any more. Now more than ever he's a helpful little shit, even if he doesn't show it.

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