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I slammed the door to my room and screamed with frustration. I hate life. What was going through God's head when he decided to give me this life. I needed to come clean but I don't know how to tell her. If I did tell her would she push me away? Will it break what we have?  

I felt the tears roll down my face. I can't remember the last time I cried. I closed my eyes laying back. My phone started dinging like crazy. 

My Light Alina 💕
Where did you go?
Why did you leave so fast?
Are you okay?

I sighed seeing how worried she was about me. 

I'm fine, I just remembered I had to do something

My Light Alina 💕
Oh, okay
I was worried that something might had happened to you.
Oh and I get discharged from the hospital later today. 

That's good since Christmas is right around the corner. 

My Light Alina 💕
Yes, yes it is
Also would you like to spend Christmas with me?

My heart skipped a beat seeing that message. 

I would love to
What time? 

My Light Alina 💕
Come by at 7 


° December 25th Christmas Morning °

I took a deep breath as I knocked on her door. Alina opened the door with a huge smile on her face. Her smile brought the light into my cold dark heart. I hope it'll stay that way. 

"I'm glad you made it." She hugged me. 

My body stiffened. I felt her arm touch my skin. She looked up at me. 

How is she still alive? 

I felt her arm touch my skin. I ran my hand over my neck where her arm touched me. 

She gave me a questioned look. 

I smiled. "Let's have fun today." 

She nodded leading me into the house. I looked around seeing how beautiful it was. 

"I hope you didn't eat anything because my aunt is making a good hearty breakfast." Alina laughed. 

I could listen to her laugh like it was music. Her laugh is pure. Everything about Alina just screams that her power is light itself. But there's something else too. A power that out powers all powers. She turned looking at me with a smile. 

"Julia will be here soon." She said. "You can put the presents down under the tree." 

I bought a gift for Alina, Alina's aunt and Julia. I wasn't sure what to get her aunt though. 

"Breakfast is done." Her aunt shouted from the kitchen. 

I walked into the kitchen with Alina right as the front door opened. Julia walked in with bags of stuff. 

"I'm here!" She shouted. 

"Hurry up, breakfast is done." Alina said. 

We all sat around the table eating and talking. 

"So Clayton." Her aunt looked at me. 

"Yes?" I looked up at her. "Have you ever celebrated Christmas?" 

"Yeah." I nodded. 

"Aunt Ashley." Alina shook her head. 

"No it's fine." I said. "I am prepared for whatever questions your aunt has to ask me." 

"Okay then." She cleared her throat. "Why did you leave that day?" 

I knew she was going to ask me that. 

"I don't want that live you told Alina." She seemed pretty angry. 

"It wasn't a lie." I said. "I had something to do. That something is private." 

I watched as she ran her tongue across her top teeth. 

"I know, you want to protect Alina." I stated. "I promise I won't ever hurt her." 

"After we open gifts I want to give of gift packets to the homeless." Alina chimed in. 

Everyone nodded as we finished eating. 

Why did I make that stupid promise. I mentally slapped myself. How could I be that stupid. 

Alina passed out the gifts to everyone. She smiled brightly has she handed me my gifts. 

"This one is from me." She smiled. 

"I'll open that one last then." I laughed putting it aside. 

"That's from me, I didn't know what to get you." Ms. Ashley said. "I hope you like it." 

"I guess we're on the same boat." I laughed. 

I opened my gifts, all but Alina's. Surprisingly I liked them all. I picked up Alina's gift and began to open it. I heard a happy squeal come from her. It was a tiny box. I gave her a questioning look as I opened the box. My eyes widened seeing a half of a yin yang symbol. 

"It's a friendship necklace." She smiled. 

Did I just get friend zoned? 

"Oh okay." I mumbled. I wasn't expecting it. "So I'm guessing you have the other half? 

"Yup." She pulled it out her pocket. "Do you love it?" 

"Yes." I smiled. 

"Here let me put it on you." She moved close to me. 

Her face only inches away from mine. She's beautiful, but up close she's even more beautiful. She moved back smiling. 

"Here, put it on me." She handed me the necklace. 

I nodded putting it on her. 

"I have one more gift for you Alina." Her aunt pulled out a box. 

Alina opened it. I saw nothing but keys. 

"I told you that when you turned eighteen that you can move into your parents house." She sounded sad. "I left it just how it was."

She smiled with tears in her eyes. 

"I think I'll move out when I go to college." She laughed. "So you can have your life back, I've noticed you haven't brought any guys over."

Her aunt pressed her lips together and looked down at the ground. 

"Oh how about this, one nights you want a guy over just let me know." Alina winked. 

"Would you cut it out already." She playfully slapped Alina. 

"Come on, let's go give out gifts to the homeless." Alina stood. "And Julia, be nice this time." 

"Only if they're nice to me." She smiled. 

"What happened last time?" I asked. 

"This lady was being rude so I whacked her with a trash can." Julia rolled her eyes. 

"You and trash cans." I laughed. 

As we were walking out Julia stopped me. 

"She didn't friend zone you, she brought you closer to her heart." Julia said. 

I looked down at the necklace. 

"Come on!" Alina shouted waving at us to hurry up. 

Closer to her heart. Now I'm scared to tell her. 


𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕟'𝕥 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕖, 𝕓𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕖!

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