First Steps..?

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Sayori groaned looking around she had a massive headache she felt a sudden warmth around her lower body...
She blinked a few times seeing she was still in the void she looked down seeing two pair of arms were wrapped around her.
They were Prez. Sayo arms which caused her to freeze all she thought it was all some crazy dream or something...

She smiled brightly at her sleeping self Sayori reached out her hand and patted Prez. Sayo's head a few times like someone would to a puppy.

She heard a slight groan with "Mr. Cow~"Sayori blushed deeply she never knew THIS sayori could be sooo adorable. "Prez. Sayo~"she sang pecking Sayo's cheek with her lips.

OH GOD- Sayori couldn't believe what she just did she put her hands over her face trying to cover her embarrassment. Sayori felt shuffling she prayed to god that hopefully Sayo was just trying to get more comfortable and NOT WAKE UP.

She was wrong.
She heard a wavy groan "S-sayori..?"she heard the other her whisper before she felt a pair of hands grab her's "Prez?!"Sayori almost yelled due to the contact between her and Sayo.

"Hm??"Prez. Sayo put Sayori's hand on her cheek after holding the other hand "I-I-I uhhh..."Sayori was a blushing mess she couldn't get her mind to think straight.
"O-oh..sorry you probably don't like this right?"Prez. Sayo lowered her head slightly "No no it's fine!"Sayori gripped Sayo's hand tightly as if to give a sign to make her look up at her "It is..?"Prez Sayo asked Sayori nodded in response "Totally..I l-like this.."Sayori laughed "Hey Sayori?"Sayo asked in a gentle tone "Yes?"Sayori asked before Sayo answered she put Sayori's hand which was beside her cheek towards her mouth she gave it a soft peck before finishing her sentence.

" stay with me..?"She asked looking to the side Sayori felt as if a arrow shot through her heart "yes! I will!"Sayori answered in a bubbly tone wanting to convince prez. Sayo to believe that she'll be with her.

"Forever..?"Sayo asked staring into Sayori's eyes.
Sayori threw herself to Sayo giving her a giant bear hug "Forever!" Sayo giggled a bit "You promise?" Sayori just laughed "Yes I do.."she said in a gentle voice "Thanks~"Prez. Sayo whispered in Sayori's ear Sayori pulled away from the hug she put a hand on Prez. Sayo's cheek she started to lean in.
Prez Sayo eyes went wide before they went gentle "Sayori..?"she said quietly as she trailed her hand down towards Sayori's back "Yeah..?" Sayori asked in a trance into Sayori's eyes.

President Sayo pressed her lips against Sayori's forehead "Is this okay..?"she asked "Yea"Sayori answered "Good~"Sayo sang before she stood up her legs were hurting a bit from sitting up and hugging Sayori.

Sayori stood up as well she glanced to the endless void "I wish we had a room..or somethin' "Sayo laughed "Maybe one day"Prez. Sayo grabbed Sayori's hand before she intertwined them together they fit perfectly together.

Sayori felt a spark deep inside her she blushed deeply looking down before dragging her foot to the void for a while before having courage to look at Prez. Sayo she blushed even deeper at how..beautiful and mature she looked she still couldn't believe this was her.
Well not her her but..a different version of her.

"You're..perfect.."Sayori said in amazement before realizing she had said that outloud. TIME TO HAVE A FUCKING PANIC ATTACK she told herself she felt a pair of lips beside her cheek causing her to return to the real world "Thanks~"Prez. Sayo sang a bit before titling her head to the side. "Hey Sayori?" Sayo asked Sayori raised a eyebrow "Yeah Prez?"she asked.

"Wanna play a game with me~?"Prez. Sayori said in a silky voice which caused Sayori to gulp "S-s-sure..?"she answered a bit scared to hear the answered.

"Great~"she smirked pulling Sayori on her she gripped Sayori's shirt while looking deep in her eyes "Before we start~"Sayo started "Remember~ it's okay to play with yourself~"Sayo ended in a husky voice which caused Sayori to blush.

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