Believe Me

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Harry and Draco were lying on Harry's bed next to each other talking and laughing as friends do, when all of a sudden Draco asks Harry a question. "Hey Harry, who do you like in who's your crush or whatever?"
Harry turns his head to look at Draco, but he doesn't notice it, since he's stuck looking at the dark ceiling with glowing stars. Harry smiles and says to him, "You. You're the only one for me." which startles Draco. He didn't expect for Harry to be looking at him, nonetheless he said he liked him.

Draco swallows down his happiness and turns his head back up to the starry ceiling, frowning. "Stop, I'm serious. Is there anyone you're crushing on in the moment?"
Harry sighs and also looks up to his ceiling. "Why are you so worried about who I like?" Harry asks him with frustration rising in his voice. Draco was quiet for a moment, trying to gather up a believable excuse to tell Harry. "We're juniors....and we'll be seniors next year, so it might be too late to have a high school sweetheart. If I were you-" Draco gets cut off by Harry saying, "-But you're not. And it's not too late to have one, we literally just started our junior year. Plus I don't really care about the whole 'high school sweetheart' thing."

Harry sits up, criss crosses his legs and looks down at his hands frowning. Draco also sits up, looking at Harry with apologetic eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset."
"Can I ask you something then?" Harry asks, finally looking at Draco.
"Anything." Draco says, softly smiling at Harry.
"Why....why are you trying to ship me off to some girl. Are you tired of me being with you? Do you need some space? Is there something you want to tell me?" Harry asks Draco, confused out of his mind.
"What?! No! I'm not trying to ship you off, and definitely no to the rest of those questions. I just wanted to know!" Draco yells.
"I just don't understand why you're so curious about my love life! Why tell you anything when you won't believe who I have a crush on!" Harry yells back, making Draco even more confused as to why Harry is upset.
"What do you mean I won't believe you, you're my best friend, of course I'll believe you!" Draco feels really insulted at the moment, he can't believe that Harry said that about him, they've been best friends for years!

"I already told you, it's you who I have a crush on." Harry says, looking straight into Draco's eyes.
Draco didn't want to believe it, it was too much for him to take, he thought Harry was lying to him of course. "You're lying again!"
"I'm being dead serious, why is it so hard for you to understand that I like you. I have a crush on you!" Harry starts tearing up from frustration and relief.
Draco freezes up, it's like time stopped for him and only him. Seeing Harry break down was breaking his heart, but the words he said to him was repairing it, making it brand new.
"It's okay if you don't like me back, least say you believe me." Harry says looking down, with his voice sounding frail.

Draco unfroze and came back to reality, "I believe you....." Harry heard his sentence travel on, but didn't pay much attention to it, "Good. Sorr-" he gets cut off by Draco saying nervously, "and I like you too. Please say you believe me?"
Harry looks at him with wide eyes filled to the brim with many emotions. "I-.." He tried to say something, but couldn't really put into words of how thrilled he was, so he decided to do the next best thing to express his feelings. Harry leans forward and kisses Draco.

It wasn't perfect, since it was their first kiss ever with a person. If anyone else saw this kiss they would describe it as intense and weird, maybe a little disturbing, but to them it was as beautiful as Alaska northern lights.

So this was technically my dream and I woke up and wrote it down quickly to give you guys some content to read during this quarantine. I also hope you guys are safe and healthy inside your homes. Love y'all ❤️❤️

Okay I'm going back to sleep byyyyeee🥰

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