An Insane Boy (Yoko Arc)

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I slowly wake up to the sunlight groaning a bit, I look to the side and see that Mimi was beside me cuddling. I smile "Hey Mimi, is time to get up" I said, she slowly looks at me groaning "W-What time is it?" She asks as I smile "Is time to get up" I said slowly removing my arms from her getting up, she also get up after a while. "Hey, aren't we going to the cafe today?" She asks as I nodded. Aaron decided that we deserve a break from all the training, so we going to the cafe today to relax. We both get ourselves ready for today.

"What took you guys so long?!" Issac said crossing his hands. "Sorry sorry, it was Mimi who took forever" I grinned as she hits me in the stomach "As if I took forever, I was trying to change when you keep trying to flirt with me!" She said causing me to blush out of embarrassment. "Well, you almost cause us to be late!" He said causing everyone to laugh while I shake my head "Definity childish" I said as Issac looks away "Shut up!" He said as everyone walks off to the cafe. 

Everyone was talking and laughing, but Yoko seems a bit...distant from everyone lately. I walk to Yoko and put my hand to his shoulder "Hey bro, you okay?" He asks as Yoko slowly nodded "Yeah...I just...need to umm..go somewhere for now" Yoko quickly stands up and runs off, strange? I sit back down with the others "Hey guys, is it me or Yoko seem a lately?" I ask them as they thought. "Well, he does seem kinda space out" Aaron said as the others nodded "Maybe Hijo is just in his mind so much?" Issac said as the others shrugged. Aaron tap me and whispers "I feel Hijo pressures, he's somewhere in the woods" I nodded as me and Aaron get up from our seats "We gonna look for him" We said as Mimi also gets up "I'll come with you guys" She said as we nodded running off. 

"Over here!" Aaron pointed as we run to his direction, I can feel both Hijo aura and someone else..who is that aura? "Hehehehe, I can see a pretty girl to steal~" The voice said as me and Aaron look around "Show yourself!" He shouted as the man grinned flying to Mimi and grab her "LET GO OF ME YOU CREEP!" She shouted as the man runs off with her, that speed of his isn't human though. "HEY!" I run to the man as Aaron follows. I slowly catch up to the man and punches him full force to the ground dropping Mimi. The guy grinned pulling out his gun and tries to shoot me

 I grab the bullet and flies to him about to punch him when he blocks it, I growled and blast a ki at the guy causing him to fall down passed out, wait

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 I grab the bullet and flies to him about to punch him when he blocks it, I growled and blast a ki at the guy causing him to fall down passed out, wait...Yoko?! "Why was Yoko attacking us? And what was he doing with Hijo?" Aaron asked as I shrugged. "H-He had a tight grip, thanks" Mimi coughed slowly getting up. "We should take him back to the others, they're waiting for us" Aaron said as we both nodded, Yoko groaned slowly getting up "O-Ow...what...happend?" Yoko holds his head "Nothing much, you just woke up here" Aaron said as Yoko nodded "O-Okay, we should..get back to the cafe" He said as we nodded walking back to the cafe. 

"Hey, you guys took forever" Issac said as Clear nodded "Hey Yoko, you okay?" Clear would ask with a blank expression, Yoko nodded "Sorry about the worry" He smiles as the two stands up "We should head home now" Clear said as everyone nodded, we pay the waiter and walk back to the school. While walking I can't help but think, Is Yoko working for Hijo? What were they doing before we got there? What're they planning? Whatever they planning, I'll be ready to defeat them, get ready Hijo...I'm ready! 

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