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Jenny stared off into space as her mother signed her in. People around her were wondering what a not sick looking teenager was doing at a hospital. "Jenny, I need to go now. Nurse Jackson will show you to your room. I love you." Michelle told her daughter, Jenny nodded causing her to walk away. Nurse Jackson gave her a small smile and began leading her to her room.

Jenny put her bag on the bed and looked around the room, it didn't look like a hospital room, it was even decorated. Jenny knew her mom did this but by the look of the room she got her daughter mistaken for someone else. Nurse Jackson said something and Jenny nodded although she didn't listen. Jenny sat in her new bed when she left.

Jenny was in the hospital for trying to kill herself more than, for not talking, and for sometimes forgetting to eat. After a few minutes Jenny got bored and got out of her room for a walk, she knew she couldn't walk out of the hospital so she'll just have to walk around it.

"Hey, watch it!" A blonde girl said when they bumped into each other, "What no apologize?" Jenny said nothing and just looked at her.

"Leave her alone, Kara." A brunette spoke up, it sounded like she was annoyed by her. The blonde Kara scoffed than left. "I'm Emma, sorry about her." Jenny gave her a little smile, a very small one and nodded.

"Hey, my friends are having this party later. Do you want to come?" Emma said, "I promise they aren't like Kara kind of." She didn't know why but she felt this connection to the girl that she didn't even know the name of. Jenny nodded and than left, Emma's gaze never leaving her until she was too far.

_  _  _

The party was on the roof and Jenny was hesitant to come. She mostly spent her time sitting in the edge looking at the world. Sitting there made her remember the time she tried to jump off a building but like the other times it never worked. Emma sometimes talked to her or ask questions which she either answered with a shake of her head, a nod, but if she couldn't she'd shrug. "Do you ever talk?" Kara asked, Jenny shrugged. There isn't really an answer. She glanced back outside when Kara went to talk to Leo.

"I've been wearing these for a long time. It's time to let them go." Leo said. Jenny glanced at where he was looking at, a red band for the hospitals they give it to someone when they have surgery.

"Worst party favors ever." Kara commented. Jenny glanced at her before looking away.

"This is from my first trip to the ER. Dash was there that night, it was the first time we met, he kept playing dead and freaking out all the nurses." Leo smiled, and Dash chuckled, Jenny let a smile slip through, "Emma. This is from my first surgery, I want you to wear it. To keep you safe."

"Thanks Leo." Emma said taking it, a faint blush on her cheeks.

"Kara." She looked up at him surprised. "My skin grath-"

"Ugh TMI I just threw up in my mouth." Kara interrupted disgusted.

"Cuz I believe like skin there are layers to you yet to be reviled." Leo said, Kara looked at the band, "Mystery girl." Jenny looked up face blank, "You may be new and we may know absolutely nothing about you but I want you to have this, I got it in my second surgery. Jordi. This is the most important band of all, I wore it when I had my big surgery and I want you to know your not alone." Jordi got up and took it. "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers for he today that sheds his blood with me should be my brother."

Jenny looked at the red band, "J..." her voice was raw and quiet but they heard her. She was trying to say her name but couldn't.

"Does your name start with a J?" Emma asked. Jenny slowly nodded. They started to smile.

_  _  _

Dear, Diary

It's been a while, I don't know why I stopped writing I have no one to tell this stuff to. My mom put me in a hospital because of my 'problem.' I met a few people but I know I shouldn't get close to them but there really nice, but I aldo I don't want to lose anyone else. One day, there going to go home and I'll still be here. Sometimes I think back to the happy child I used to be and wonder what happened but then I get the answer,

Life. Life happened.

Jenny, signing out.

_  _  _

Jenny sat in her bed early in the morning reading a book when she felt someone staring at her. She looked away towards the window and saw Jordi out there wearing a hospital gown which means he's about to have surgery. Jordi waved at her and she waved back with a small smile. He ran back to wherever he came from.

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