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Jenny never really thought she would be in the hospital or that her mother would find out about what was wrong with her, well a few of the things that was wrong with her.

The only good about being in the hospital was that she had friends, way more friends than she ever though she could have, friends that care even if they don't show it.

And she was away from home while Tiffany was in college, Jenny did not know how life would be with just her mother. Would she be ready to leave the hospital and go back to her mother in their empty house with her sister living her perfect college dream? Yeah, did not seem like a dream.

But right now Jenny did not know if she would rather listen to her sister talk about art (her passion: Jenny would not understand a single word she said) or Kara trying to convince Nurse Jackson if she could go to prom while her friend was playing a sad song.

"say something I'm giving up on you"

"I could potentially never live to see another homecoming again which would one of the world's greatest tragedy, second only to The Titanic."

The Titanic, the one flim Jenny has seen over and over again due to her sister's obsession with it. They watched it over 57 times, Tiffany crying each time and Jenny questioning if Rose knew that she could have saved Jack too and some passengers.

"Or Nicki Minaj's perfume 'Minajesty', or-"

"Or me and Ben breaking up." Nurse Brittany interrupted, staring at the computer.

"Or the slave trade or the plague." Jenny typed out in her tablet, a squeaky funny voice instead of the usual voice. It brought a small smile to her face, it was better.

Kara gave her friend a look and she got off the counter, standing on the other side of Kara.

"Anywhere I would have followed you"

"Nurse Jackson." Kara continued, ignoring all interruptions, "If I don't go to this homecoming, I-" Kara closed her eyes and put her hand below her nose like Rachel from Friends and started fake crying.

"Save the tears for your homecoming queen acceptance speach." Nurse Jackson told her, not bothering to look up from her work.

"Wait, does that mean I can go?" Kara questioned shocked, Nurse Jackson opening a drawer.

"This is a hospital, not a prison. Yes, you can go." Nurse Jackson told her, putting a small heart monitor on the counter, "your heart monitor, sap her up."

Kara picked it up, "this I can work with but there is no way I'm going to homecoming with you."

"How will I ever recover from such a crushing blow?" Nurse Jackson sarcastically replied.

"Pick me, pick me, pick me..." Nurse Brittany whispered, repeateding the same words over and over again.

"You can go with Brittany." Nurse Jackson told Kara.

Kara's friend shrugged and they squealed.

"Ugh! My ears! My poor bleeding ears!"

"And you're taking Jenny with you." Nurse Jackson continued, Kara shocked stopped glaring at Jenny who mouth was open, Kara not being the only one shocked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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