The princess's crush; Momo learns Tevin's secrets

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3rd POV
Previously on My Saiyajin Hero Academia, The heroes in training were dealt with a real villain attack in the USJ. Tevin, Izuku, and the others were hurt but still able to stand. But when a creature called a Nomu attack Tevin's friends and his surrogate brother Izuku, his rage was put to the test. And when he saw Momo unconscious, it sent him over the edge and transformed into a Super Saiyajin destroying the Nomu with an inch of its life causing Shigaraki's mind to experience fear as well as Kurogiri. After the attack on The USJ, Tevin was carried out by Momo and Izuku after eating the Senzu bean. He was tired out from using his ki energy to battle the Nomu. Resting, Izuku and All Might decide to tell Tevin what happened and how he did it. But someone else will find out Tevin's secret. Will Momo find out about Tevin's Power? Find out today on my Saiyajin Hero Academia!

Tevin's POV 
"Ugh! Ooohhhhh! Huh? Izuku! All Might!" I said as I got up but All Might lay me back down.
"Relax, Young Tevin. You defeat the villains. And you transformed into what you told us about..... A Super Saiyajin!" All Might said which I remembered now.
-flashback to the battle in the USJ (Unseen Simulation Junction)-
"MOMO!!!! No...... You... You are....." I said as I was shaking.
"What's the matter, kid? Afraid of you and your friends will die? Hahahahaha!!" Shigaraki mocked laughing at me as I felt the hurt and rage. The rocks began to float up as everyone saw what was going.
"W-What is this kid doing?" Kurogiri looked in shock as my hair turned from black to gold as it waves. "Shigaraki, look out! His Quirk is increasing!"

"I don't care. I want to make these kids suffer! Nomu, Take care of the girl and kill her!" Shigaraki spoke and it sent me over the edge.

"Nnnnrrrraaaahhhhh!!!!" I shouted into the heavens as a golden aura surrounding me and my hair stood up spiky gold and my eyes were teal green with a cold fury and an icy light in my eyes. "You.... Will.... PAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!" I attacked the Nomu who almost gotten an arm reach to Momo.
-flashback ends- 
'I remember.... it was when I thought Momo died in front of me and it triggered my Saiyajin blood of Sadness and Anger.' I thought as I turn to All Might and Izuku. "I think it was someone I truly care about triggers this transformation. I wonder if I can control it much like Izuku's One For All...." I asked All Might and Izuku agreed to figure out how to make my Super Saiyajin transformation work with me.

"I think you two should probably train in the spaceship you used during those time in the 10 months. Besides, school won't open until the 3 weeks after the USJ incident." All Might stated.

"Still though, if anyone knew about what I am.... a half earthling, half Saiyajin, I don't know if they would think of treating me like a human being." I said slumping sadly until a hand on my shoulder was All Might's.

3rd POV
Little do the trio knows, the girls (Jirou, Asui, Uraraka, Mina, Tooru, and Momo) now learn what Tevin is and how powerful he became. They were sad to hear that ppl will think of him as a freak and no one will be his friend.

"Poor Tevin..." Tooru whispers to the girls sadly.

"Yeah no kidding. Tevin should know we all care about him just like Deku. Mina pumped up her fist.
"Kero~ Still Tevin being half human and half Saiyajin is something. I'd never expect to hear or see! Kero~ Kero~ But I do admire Tevin's determination to protect all of us and wanting to be a hero like us." Asui has her tongue out and her finger on her chin.

"Wait, let's listen to what they're talking about now." Jirou semi-yelled. Her ear jack was at the door while Momo and Uraraka were listening.

All Might's POV
"Don't worry, Tevin. Your Saiyajin ancestors are probably smiling that you were strong enough to help the others and including me. Hahahahaha." I laughed as Tevin and Izuku chuckled.

"Hey, All Might?" Tevin asked me.
"Yes, Young Tevin?" I looked at his eyes and those eyes were someone who is love with a certain girl. "If I gotten stronger and protect everyone, the person I wanna protect is.... Momo Yaoyorozu." Tevin said as Izuku was shocked to hear him say something heroic and I was smiling.
"That's the spirit, Young Tevin!" I patted him on the back. "You have the will and soul of a true hero as Young Midoriya. And you're also fighting for your friends and for ms. Yaoyorozu."

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