Momo's study date; A romance is blooming!!

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Previously on My Saiyajin Hero Academia, Tevin recovered from the USJ incident as Izuku and All Might explained to him that he went Super Saiyajin after seeing Momo hurt. Tevin and Izuku decides to continue training just in case they will face newer enemies. Meanwhile, Momo, Uraraka and the girls decided to find out what Tevin is and what they find was amazing and true. He was a descendant of a warrior race that perished long ago. But two Saiyajins survived and protect the planet earth before pro heroes did! Their name were Son Goku and Vegeta. Momo's love for Tevin was now a roaring fire that wants to intertwined with it. As the girls decide to spy what Tevin and Izuku were doing after the USJ incident, they see them working out and it was ten times gravity. After the boys finish their intense training, they lay on the beach resting and Momo and Uraraka kissed them on their foreheads revealing their love for them. Will Tevin and Izuku confess their love interest to Momo and Uraraka? Find out Next on My Saiyajin Hero Academia!!

-At the U.A. Hero course Class 1-A-
Jirou's POV
"Hey Momo, where were you? And why was Ochako with you?" I asked Momo in which shocked her. "Well?"

"I-I-I was hanging out with Uraraka and suddenly, we saw the boys... a-and....." Momo tries to explain what went down at the beach. But as I was getting answers, we see the two boys Tevin and Izuku arriving.

'Something tells me that my friends Momo and Ochako are hiding something.' I thought as they went towards them.

Momo's POV
Ochako and I saw them and they were in a good mood today. We walked by our classmates and we saw Tevin and Izuku. Tevin always have a calm and peaceful Mind which I find it attractive. Uraraka thinks it's cute for Deku or Midoriya that he is shy. "So, What have you two been doing since the USJ incident?" I asked pretending that me and Uraraka were at home the whole 3 weeks but secretly, we've seen the boys training and talking. We remember what they were talking about as well.

-flashback to last week-
"Hey, Izuku lil brother?" Tevin asked his surrogate brother.
"Yeah, Tevin? What's up?" Izuku wonders what Tevin is thinking about.
"I-I really hope Momo is okay and that I wanna confess my love for her as well. And to be honest, Izuku.... The more I talk, see, or think about her, the more stronger, determined, the more willpower I put to protect those around me including her." Tevin lays on the sand as Izuku sat beside him. "What about you, Izuku?"
"My dreams have always been being a hero. To bring a smile to the people but also bring smiles to Uraraka's." Izuku tells Tevin but as they were talking, Momo's heart was beating rapidly as well as Uraraka's because they heard their confessions about them.
'Deku....' Ochako smiles as a tear fell.
'Tevin....' I covered my mouth with my hand and trying not to cry but after hearing what they were talking about, Tevin and Izuku were something to think about.

Iida's POV
"Ah, Midoriya! Tevin! I see you two recovered from the USJ incident. How are you doing?" I asked Izuku and Tevin.

"We're fine. Still sore but we're a okay!" Tevin smiles and Momo began to grow attached to him for some reason.
'Hmmm..... odd. Momo has been acting strangely with Tevin. She always told us she had a crush on someone but I thought it would be Towards Todoroki. But after the incident in the USJ, Tevin has shown true bravery along with Midoriya.' I thought as Tevin was blushing red when Momo came up close to him.

"Uh..... Momo? Is- is there something wrong with my face?" Tevin asked her in which she shook her head no and kissed him on the cheek. He was in shocked at what happened. Never in his life, he would get kissed by Momo Yaoyorozu.

"I... I don't know what to say... but we got class to start!" Moving my hand in a chopping motion as a robot.

Bakugou's POV
I stared down at Tevin with rage seething through my soul knowing what Tevin did at the USJ. 'How dare that nerd use that kind of power and he didn't use it against me! Is he looking down on me!? That bastard is going be on his knees thinking that I am weak just because his Quirk is golden! I'll beat him, Deku, and All Might then become the no.1 Hero!!' I thought as Tevin was reading the textbook.
"Oi, Nerd! You and I are going to fight! I don't care what Quirk you have. You're nothing compared to me!" I yelled at Tevin in which he placed his textbook down on his desk.

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