The Sudden Death 3 way; Todoroki vs. Bakugou vs. Tevin!! Part One

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3rd POV
Previously on My Saiyajin Hero Academia, tension is rising after the match between Tokoyami and Tevin as he demonstrated the depths of his Saiyajin abilities. When Tevin was training with Izuku, he stayed in his Super Saiyajin transformation til he doesn't feel weird or fatigued from it. So now, Tevin was in his mastered Super Saiyajin form and won the fight. But now, the finals were now a 3 way sudden death match. How will the boys test themselves in combat? Find out today on My Saiyajin Hero Academia!

Tevin's POV
I stood at the ready knowing that I will be facing two opponents at the same time. 'So I'm facing Bakugou and Todoroki. It looks like I'm going to have to use all my power to win.' I looked at Bakugou's sadistic smile and then to Todoroki's cool calm demeanor. I was still in my Super Saiyajin form and my gym clothes were a bit tattered and had a few cuts on them. A/N: Goku's look from the Freeza saga.
"Well, it looks like we're going to give these people a show..... Best of luck to the three of us." Extending my hand to Bakugou and Todoroki But was swatted away by Bakugou.

"Listen nerd, I will beat you if you hold back on me. You're nothing but a pebble just like Deku!" Bakugou growled. "Just pray you have to deal with me than Half n half bastard."

I then look into Todoroki's eyes and they tell a better story than Bakugou's.

'So, They're out to get me Huh? Heh, definitely this is going to be interesting....' I thought as I smiled. We all walked up to the stage and await for the time to face each other.

'I will beat Them/Tevin/This bastard and prove to everyone that I can be strong to/and/for the others/step out of my father's shadow/be called number one!' Bakugou, Todoroki and I thought.

Momo's POV
'I hope Todoroki and Tevin won't be injured. But seeing them is exciting.' I thought as I looked at them with the others. "Todoroki might have an advantage with Bakugou, but Tevin is composed and ready. He's got something up his sleeves this time."

"3, 2, 1, GO!!!" Nemuri Midnight The R-Rated Pro Heroine shouted as Bakugou and Todoroki tried to wear out Tevin's defenses. "I never thought I'd see Todoroki help Bakugou. This is new. Unless...." I looked as Midoriya watched as he too was in a serious look in his eyes. "Unless Tevin is hoping to draw one of them to make a mistake."

The sounds of punches, explosion, and Ice were displayed as the three continued on. "Whoa! Those guys are giving their all." I see Tevin disappearing from the attacks Bakugou and Todoroki were doing to get him out of the match.

Bakugou's POV
'Dammit! I can't seem to get a hit! Still, I got a plan to make him fight seriously. And I will beat him!!!' I gritted my teeth launching an explosion aiming towardsTevin's face but hit Half n half instead. "What's the matter, Tevin? Afraid of what might happen if you don't fight me at full strength?! Worrying about Ponytail up there in the stands?! Forget her and focus on the fight! She's nothing but an extra in my way as well as you, Round face, and Deku!" I tried to tip the scales by insulting them to get him to fight seriously and make him use his power.

'What are you doing, Bakugou? Is he.... is he goating Tevin to use that quirk from the USJ?' Todoroki thought as it was the best opportunity to see what Tevin is capable of.

"No... I know what you're trying to do, Bakugou. But it won't work on me. If you want me to fight seriously, then I clearly overestimated that I chose to use my power. My full power to fight you." Tevin reply as I was beyond pissed that putting my plans to make him fight seriously didn't work.

Todoroki's POV
"You were holding back just cause you don't want to injure us." He said coldly but smirks. "Sorry to sully your excuse, we saw what you did at the USJ while we were attacked by villains. We all saw you transformed into your golden quirk and I agree with Bakugou on this one.... DON'T HOLD BACK ON US! GIVE US EVERYTHING YOU GOT!!"

Tevin was indeed shocked to hear what I said. Just like Midoriya said to use my fire quirk and being my own man, I wanted to see if Tevin will be able to defeat me and Bakugou.

"Heh, fine. I guess I got no choice but beat you two down." Tevin smiled and smirked then proceeded to clench his fists to his sides his hair levitate as well as the rocks. The rumbling begins and the crowd were in awed of this display. "Haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!" Tevin's hair went from black to gold yellow. It was something that I never seen up close.

All Might's POV
"Tevin.... it seems that you showed Young Midoriya how to make One For All into what you are. Hahahahaha now that's Plus Ultra!!!" I bellowed as Tevin continues to transform into a Super Saiyajin.

"Nnnrrrraaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!' (Echoes) Tevin screamed as Golden light appeared on him and his transformation was completed. His black hair was gone and took up a golden hue. His eyes were no longer black but a Teal green but he was calm. The aura was pressuring even it matches to those who also wield One For All in the past. 'A-Amazing. Again, Tevin and Young Midoriya truly impressed me including Bakugou and Todoroki.... All of the students are going to be great heroes in the future.' I smiled my famous All Might smile.

"Well boys? Who's going to make a move? If not, I'll make a move." Tevin responded to Todoroki and Bakugou. They were ready for their epic showdown in the Sports Festival. Tevin used a volley of ki blasts to disorientate Bakugou. But, Todoroki made an ice wall to prevent himself from falling into Tevin's course of action. A/N: (Think of it as Vegeta's consecutive blasts and Goku's against Cell.)

3rd POV
Who will be victorious in the end? Find out next time on My Saiyajin Hero Academia!!

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