Chapter 13

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book is entered in the wattys2015, thanks for reading!  


If you told me on the first day of school, that a week later, I would be driving a boy to school, I would've laughed at your face. If I was told that I had a brother on the first day of school, I would've laughed even harder.

Thing is, here I am, driving Logan Laurel, to school. Yeah, we got his last name changed. Don't ask me how we got that done with Kenton and Adeline's permission because I have no clue what the answer to that question is, probably bribery, or attempt of sue. I'm also pretty worried on how to tell everyone. Should I just tell the press and have them tell the world? I mean that's easier than just yelling out to everyone, "AYE. THIS IS LOGAN LAUREL, MY BRO." Haha, no. You're funny though.

When we pulled up into the senior lot, all eyes turned to the car that we were in. Thing is, usually on a usual day, when they see me come out, everyone would just go back to what they were doing. today was different though, why? That's probably because a BOY, yes a boy, came out with me. Little did they know that this boy was my brother.

All eyes were glued to us as we walked through the gates, I whispered something into Logan's ear, "I'm going to head to homeroom now, I'll see you in first?" He nodded and we both parted to our own ways. While I was walking to Mr.Kaler's class, someone tapped me on my back, I turned around and what do you know! Jessica Tals. I decided to ignore her and keep walking, but noo, she couldn't understand and kept following.

"Bitch! Don't ignore me!" I rolled my eyes and kept going, like I said before, I'm used to being bullied. Being the she devil she was, she decided to trip me by stepping on the heels of my shoes. I stumbled a bit, but didn't actually fall. I turned around to confront her.

"What the hell do you want?! You're annoying for fuck's sake. Leave me alone!" When she saw me in rage, she smirked. I knew that this was defeat, she was trying to make me mad, and succeeded, because I'm sure as hell angry with her attitude.

"I want you, bitch, to stay away from Jadden." I literally snorted and laughed at her comment, I probably would've threw up the contents of my stomach if I hadn't controlled myself.

"Why would I --" *laugh* "want to --" *laugh again* "be with --" *snort* "Jadden?" I seriously couldn't right now. It's just too funny. Jadden and Harper? You must be fucking with me right now (not literally). Sure, I might've liked him as Flowith, but him as now is just too much for me. I don't need him, I got myself, and Logan.

So apparently Jessica got mad at my comment about Jadden, and decided to go all ballistic she wolf on me.. "BITCH!" She screeched. Ouch if I had glasses, they probably would've broke at Jessica's high pitched voice. Thing is, I was still laughing, her voice cracked a bit at the end, but she didn't notice it. "Jadden is 100 times more better than Logan!" Woah woah, since when is Logan and Harper a thing?

"Honey, I don't know what you're talking about." I tried to joke around, sneering at her. By now, she looked pretty pissed with me, and that's not even that bad. What's worse was that people started to gather around.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" They started chanting, butterflies started to fly around my stomach. So Jessica didn't know how to properly throw a punch, and she practically just slapped me. Don't get me wrong, I'm usually immune to bullying, but physical abuse is just not right. The confident Harper took over me and gave Jessica a nasty punch to the nose.

"BITCH" She screeched once more, and her tiny hands fell onto her now broken now. Can't do cheerleading now, can you? Then she started crying, like what the hell? She wanted it, she got it! Just then, the group of people crowding around disappeared and there stood the Principal Jameson. Fuck.

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