Starlight (part 1)

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It was 1am December 25th the Christmas Eve turned Christmas party was over and Jake decided to walk home as it wasn't that far.

It was a cold night and it was raining but Jake chose to walk, the cool rain on his skin calmed him.
He had a date tomorrow with Amy and he didn't want a hangover so he drank with moderation.
It was still crazy to him that he was with someone as amazing as Amy, some as beautiful as her, as smart as her just someone who was this amazing.
He normally hates Christmas, mainly because of his childhood, but it's slightly less unbearable with his precious Ames.

As he walked down the dimly lit alleyway towards his apartment he carried on fantasising about the date tomorrow until a cry broke him out of it.
Jake pinpointed the cry behind a dumpster and moved to investigate and what he saw broke his heart.
He saw a little baby girl dressed in a pink onesie abandoned in a soaked cardboard box.
The second he laid eyes on her he instinctively took off his coat and picked the child up carefully, wrapping her in a coat trying his best to keep her warm.
He didn't care about the rain soaking him, all he cared about was getting back to his flat with this timid shaking child in his arms.

He ran with caution into the building and went straight to his flat.
The little girl was sneezing and shivering in his arms, she looked like she has been through hell.
She then threw up on him but instead of being disgusted, he put a hand on her forehead and gasp as he realised she has a high fever.
He did what his mother did for him, he put her in his bed and place a damp cloth over her forehead.

Seeing her relax and calm down brought joy to his heart and he tiptoed slowly out of the room to his couch.
Jake's mind was racing. Three main emotions were evident: Fear for the girls safety, hate for the people who abandoned her and concern for the girl... He didn't know what to do he never had a great childhood, so he needs to call someone.

The phone starts dialing.

"Please pick up, please be up, ple-"


"Hey Ames, I need your help get here ASAP, with: baby formula, fever medicines for kids and other things that help with fevers-"

He was cut off by the baby crying again and Amy heard this through the phone.

"Is that a-"


Jake ends the phone call and runs to his bedroom to calm the little girl. He picked her up carefully into his arms and gently rocked her while playing around with her with his hand.
When she giggled and grabbed his hand something clicked in his mind and heart... He was totally smitten with this little angel and all he wants to see and hear is her laugh.

Meanwhile, Amy was in her apartment confused as fuck. Her boyfriend just frantically called her and told her to get baby stuff and then she swore she heard a baby's cry.
As much as Amy wanted to just go to bed she couldn't, the sound of how frantic Jake's voice was forced her out of her apartment and to her car.
She first went to the late night pharmacy to get baby formula and fever medicine for babies.

When she gets to his apartment she doesn't knock, Jake had given her the spare key so she quietly opens the door to see Jake gently rocking a little baby in his arms and making stupid faces to make her laugh.
The scene melted her heart and inwardly thought to herself that Jake would be an amazing father.

She turned to close the door and that's when Jake noticed her.

"Hey Ames you're here!"
Jake said running up to her with the young sick child in his arms.

"Y-yeah, Jake where did this baby come from"
Amy said in confusion and concern.

All the happiness left Jake's eyes when she asked her that. She could feel the shift in the room as Jake spoke.

"I found her abandoned in a cardboard box behind a dumpster, in the alleyway, he was cold and getting soaked by the rain... How could someone to that to a child this young?!... How could they leave her to die like that?!"
With each word Jake said the anger and venom in his voice grew.
Amy knew he was gonna explode so she did something to calm him and that was kiss.

Surely he melted into the kiss and look at her with a smile.

"You did the right thing pineapples, you saved this little cuties life"
Amy said sincerely smiling lovingly at him.
She loved how selfless he is and how willing to help he is.

The little girl started coughing violently again in Jake's arms.

Frantically he said.

"You bought the stuff right?"

"Yeah-yeah in this bag."

"You're a lifesaver babe"

And after giving her the medicine and feeding her she soon fell asleep, Jake decided to let her sleep on his bed as he and Amy were laying on the couch watching Christmas movies.

"You know when I came in and saw how you were holding her, you looked like a real dad"
Amy said lying against him, in his arms.

"Whenever I do become a father, I hope you're the mother"
Jake said smiling planting a kiss on her forehead.

Their intimate moment was cut short by a cry from the child in bed.
Jake chuckled lightly as he went to check up on her with Amy by his side.
He picked her up and gently rocked her.

"Hey, hey,hey it's okay Jakey is here"

Jake knew that he loved this child, but what happened next almost made his heart stop.
The child looked up at him and she opened her mouth.


When those words entered his ears tears built up in his eyes.

"W-what did you say?"
Jake said as Amy gasped in amazement placing a hand over her heart.

She repeated pointing at Jake.

She shouted pointing at Amy.

If there was any doubt that they were smutted with this little girl, then that was thrown out the window.
She soon yawn and snuggled up in his arms.
He put her back in bed and went back to watching movies with Amy.

"Willow? Willow Amelia Peralta? What do you think Ames?"
Jake asked out of the blue.

She asked confused.

"About a name for her"

"Oh, well that's a cute name but what about if a relative calls in about her?"

Jake's breath hitched in his throat, he didn't think about that...
He wanted to hug her and raise her forever... But there's a chance he wouldn't be able to but that was just a minor mishap.

"I'm just saying just in case if no one does... I want to adopt her"
Jake said.

"I would like to do that as well"
Amy said grasping his hand.

"My daughter, no our daughter"

To be continued

Word Count: 1200

Part 2 out in the next few days

Hope you enjoyed this fluffy part 1 of this 2 shot story.

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