✮ Chapter 1 Preview

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In 1983, off the coast of the Canary Islands, a coffin with the word "DIO" on the front is salvaged from the depths. The crew attempts to open it, but find that it is locked from the inside. Later, their ship is found, mysteriously abandoned with no signs of a struggle.

~4 Years Later~

[New Tokyo International Airport (Narita)]

A woman known as Holly Kujo quickly scurried around the airport looking for one man in particular, her eyes scanning over each person before spotting the one she was looking for. Waving her hands with a grin on her face she yelled, "Dad! Over here, Dad!" Joseph Joestar instantly turned his gaze on his daughter, a bright grin on his face. "Holly!" He called out to her happily as he made his way over, bumping into someone rather harshly along the way. Hugging each other in laughter, Holly looked up at her father and said, "I'm so glad you came!"

"If my only daughter needs my help, I can be anywhere in the world at anytime!" He responds. Holly relaxes at his words before asking, "How's mom?" With a small sigh he says, "She complained, but I told her it was a business trip for Joestar Real Estate Agency."Clearing his throat he looks at his daughter as she grabs his bag and asks, "Anyway, did he really talk about an evil spirit?" Hearing such a question brought her to tears, her hands moving to cover her face. "The policemen didn't see it, but I did. It's awful! Jotaro!" Joseph crouches and places his hand on Holly's shoulder as she continued. "I saw another arm as it grabbed the gun." Joseph stares at her in surprise. "So, others couldn't see it, but you could?" He questions. "Yes." Holly nods as she stares at him in confusion. "So Jotaro says that he's been possessed recently, but nothing strange has happened to you?" Shaking her head again she replies, "No. But Jotaro says he won't leave the cell until he knows what's going on." Leaning against her father for support, she lets out an exhausted sigh. "What should I do?"

Joseph looks at her with a gentle smile on his face. "There, there," he says as he rubs her shoulder soothingly, "I, Joseph Joestar, am here now, so there's nothing to worry about." She looks at him with a relieved expression. "You're right." Looking away from Holly, Joseph turned his gaze to his companion and snapped his fingers, alerting him to coming along as he and  Holly made their way out of the airport. "I'd like to see my grandson," he states the moment they stepped out the door.

"So, how's the whole possession thing going?" You asked after a moment. "Just peachy," was Jotaro's curt reply. You snorted at such a response, shaking your head at his sarcastic answer. "Say, you think you could should show me?" Jotaro shifted his gaze away from the toy car and onto you, the curious expression on your face causing him to sigh. "Gimme a break," he grumbles lowly before saying, "It doesn't work like you think. I can't actually summon it at will."

With a thoughtful hum you crossed your arms and said, "I still think it be a good idea to get an exorcism." Jotaro pulled his hat down to cover his eyes, hiding the fact he thought the idea was still kind of dumb.  Then, an idea appeared in your mind as you slammed your fist in your open palm. "What if it's some kind of power!" At your exclamation he looked at you, curious to see where you were going with this. "Think of it like a gift instead of a curse," you state with a grin. The sight of your proud expression caused a small smile to appear on Jotaro's face, one he quickly hid by mumbling, "Gimme a break."


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