I cant lose her!

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I was in the middle of teaching my shooting class when I get all.

Unknown/Mr. smith
Me/ Speaking who is this
Unknown/ the is a nurse from the national hospital of LA , your daughters been shot!
Me/ I'm on my way

...................END OF CALL..............

Them boys are fucking dead, end of class! I yelled

Trey make sure all the kids leave safely I gotta go get my daughter!

Ard. Trey said

I then get in my car speeding off running through every red light. I finally arrive and bust in to the hospital door. Dei Smith I asked the women

Nothing yet. The women said

I then look around the waiting room when I see my sons and some other nigga all with there heads in their shirts.

GTF UP! I yelled

The boys all look up immediately.

Let's go! I said

Devin, Noah, and Greg all follow behind me .

Wtf happened? I asked

Ion no nothing, I just got the call from Devin to come through. Noah said

She shot herself. Greg said

Why. Noah and I said in unison

She found out who I was. Devin said

She ain't know who you was? I said

He don't come around. Noah said

What y'all tell her? I said

That I'm the reason mom left us. Devin said

Before I could speak Noah was beating Devin ass

I laughed for a lil before responding. Greg get Noah off of him.

She thinks it's her fault mom left. Noah said

Aye! They got sum on DEI. Some
nigga said.

Who tf is that? I said

Dei lil bf. Greg said

Wait wat ! Devin said

He part of a gang? I said

Yeah mine. Greg said

Then he better not fuck up. I said
We all walk in the building and a nurse runs up to me this way sir.
I rush with the women to the back where Dei was.

Dad! Dei said

How you doing princess. I said

Why didn't you tell me I was a twin? She said

You should've already know he was always watching you. I said

Why didn't you tell me the truth about mom? She said

Took keep you safe. I said

Would I have been different if I lived with her? She said

Definitely , you would be the brave, tuff, and most definitely wouldn't be as smart. I said

I love you dad. She says

I love you too Dei. Get your rest princess . I said

I then walked out the room and talked to the doctor.

Sir I have good news and bad news. The doctor said

What's the bad news I said.


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