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he smiled, hand in mine.

he guided me towards the couch, sitting down before me.

"are those your parents?" I asked, pointing to a wooden frame with a photo of louis, standing beside a younger girl with bleach blonde hair and what I assumed were his parents behind them.

harry took in a shaky breath, tightening his grip on my hand. "yeah, they are."

he brings his eyes down to his feet, "they moved away after my sister died, they didn't want to be around anything that reminded them of her."

he paused for a moment,

"even me."

I look at him, but he refuses to meet my eyes.

"I'm so sorry, haz."

he just nodded, "maybe people just aren't meant to stay." he mumbled.

I placed my fingers below his chin and tilted his headed up, so he was facing me.

"I'm not leaving, harry."

he smiled,

"not ever."

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