My heart

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I wake to a lot if yelling? I open my eyes and are blinded by the blinding lights.
"Seriously that light is brighter then my whole life" I say
"Omg Melody your wake" Jessie exclaims, and hugs, I mean squeezes the life out of me
"Jess, let her breathe please" Lucia says
I look around to see Lucia, Jessie, Tyler, Chris and no Blake.
Blake, blake, fire,
"Where's BLAKE" I scream
They all looked around at each other nervously
"Ummm, he's in coma" Chris explains
"No, ha ha ha this has be a joke" I say clutching my head
Tears running down my face
"Please no, please, this can't be true" I whisper
"I'm sorry, 2 weeks ago you two got into a car crash, he protected you" Tyler explains
"You woke up, but he went into coma" Tyler continues
"Please no" I beg
"We're sorry Mel, we should have been there, since he went into coma, and you didn't, the doctor said that he probably shield you from the fire with his on body, lucky Blake was fast enough do you guys weren't burnt" Lucia says, getting a little teary
"This is all my fault" I whisper
"No it isn't, he wanted to protect, that is how Blake has always been, he will put people he loves lives first, before his own. He might seem like a jerk on the outside, but he truly is a amazing person" Chris says
"He really cares about you Melody" Tyler says
I nod, and look down at my lap.
Wiping away a couple of escaped tears
"Can I see him" my voice cracks at the end
"Not now, the doctors says you are to weak, but in a few days you can" Jessie answers
There is a knock at the door
"Sorry to interrupt, but miss Murphy must be hungry, so now she must eat, you may see her later" a nurse kindly instructs
They say their goodbyes and leave
A plate of food is placed in front of me
The nurse leaves, and I stare down at the plate of mashed potatoes, chicken Alfredo, apple juice, spoon, fork, and.... And knife
I push the idea to the back of my mind and force myself to eat a couple of painful bites
My mind wonders to Blake.
How he sacrificed himself to protect me
How he shield my body with his
How he got me out of their too, he could have left me but he didn't
If I wasn't alive, if I killed myself earlier then he wouldn't have gotten hurt, he wouldn't be in coma
I can't
But I can
If I do
People will be happier, lives will be easier
No one would notice
I'm not important
Then why am I alive?
I look back down at the knife
My hands tremble and shake
My hands inching closer to the knife
My hands grab the handle of the knife, bringing it closer to me.
I place the knife on my arms
Pushing down with pressure, a bit of blood drips out of my arm
Someone runs into the room
I pull down my sleeve and see
"Melody come with me" he says gasping for breath
I struggle to get up
Chris picks my up bridal style and carry me out of the room
"What is it" I ask
"Blake, he is begging for you" he explains
Blake is awake?
I jump out of Chris's arms, and fall
Ouch my face
Chris shakes his head and picks me up
We run into Blake's room
My eyes water at the sight laid in front of me, I look back down at my arm, the blood soaking through.
Blake was hooked up to machines and there are tubes feeding him food
I walk over to his bed, I place my shaking hand on his pale arm.
"Melody, I want to see Melody" he whispers
His voice raspy
"I'm here" I say
"Melody" he gasp, opening his eyes
"Shhhhhh, don't talk I'm here"
I see his eyes start to tear up
"We will leave you guys too it" Chris says and everyone leaves the room
"I t-thought I w-would" he says, "loose y-you"
"Trust me, you can't get rid of me that easily" I chuckle
He smiles
Somehow even in his state right now he still looks so damn hot
Knowing that he risked his own life for me made we fall for him more
He closes his eyes and falls asleep
But before he falls asleep he whispers 2 words,
that make my heart...

Sorry I ended on a cliff hanger, what am I saying of course I'm not.
Sorry not sorry

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