[angst] [monobaku]

318 12 0

monoma x bakugou. not much of a trigger warning, more just monoma crying. medication trigger warning, i suppose.

edit: forgot. abuse and very non-graphic rape warning.

1625 [?] words.


monoma sighed, placing down his pencil and dimming his study light. his head was pounding against his own skin, and he buried his face in his hands, thankful that it was dark and his main light was off. he'd been sat cross legged at his desk in the same position for the good part of 4 hours, and his eyes were starting to strain painfully from trying to read such small text for such a long time. this fucking end of year test was coming up in a week, and he couldn't afford to do poorly. not with.. not with his mom at home waiting for him to do well. and not necessarily in a nice supportive way.

monoma shuddered, sliding a soft bookmark into the page before closing the book completely, cursing himself for reminding himself of his mother. he was a bit of an idiot, that much he'll admit. well - not in an educational sense. he was kinda good in that department.

well, he didn't feel it. but he was told he was pretty high up there.

he shook the thought from his head, although regretted it pretty quickly after, all thoughts going to his mother. he coughed, opening his book again to distract himself. but god, fuck, his eyes hurt. a lot. he felt the telltale signs of a migraine rearing its ugly head, but he ignored it, eyes flicking over the sources despite his body screaming at him.

he dimmed the light even further, to the point where it was off completely, and the only thing illuminating his page was the moon, unusually bright for a september evening. he decided not to question it, trying to remove the thoughts from his mind.

it proved useless when he jumped at the memory of a sharp pain across his cheek, and he growled, ignoring the overwhelming pain in his eyes as they now struggled and strained against the darkness to read the text as well. he went over to grab the glass of water up on the desk, but instead he spilled it straight onto his carpet. thankfully, it didn't smash, considering it was.. well, carpet, but he let out a noise of distress.

"for fucks sake." monoma grumbled, slouching back in his chair and rubbing his face, finger grazing over the scars on his cheek from his mother's restless cries and hits of abuse. he winced at the memory of some of them, letting out another noise, but this time rather of annoyance rather than distress. he couldn't be bothered to tolerate this at the moment, so he flicked the study light back on.

god, fuck, that burned.

he ignored it, staring hard at the mass of tiny text infront of him. he ignored the black splodges in his left eye, ignored the pain, ignored how fucking light headed he felt. he shakily reached down to grab the glass, tipping it back and letting the last few drops drip own his throat.

trembling, monoma stood up, his head screaming at him. he couldn't stop thinking. just thinking. his mother, his father, his grandfather-

no, god. he didn't want that memory.

he whimpered softly at the memory of cold, nimble fingers on his waist, wrapping his arms around himself and gripping at his skin painfully tight, shuffling toward the kitchen. he flicked the light on, only to cry out, quickly flicking it back off when his vision dropped to black for a few seconds. he'd forgotten the absolute horror of which was a stress induced migraine, having not had one in a few weeks.

monoma closed his eyes for a moment.

he remembered the cold pain of the knife against his cheek, the hot pain of scalding water down his leg, the fingers crawling up his thighs-

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2018 ⏰

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