Merry Christmas

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"Merry Christmas, mommy." I felt the bed dip down and a little hand on my face. I groan, slowly opening my eyes to see Noah's bright brown eyes staring at me with a smile, his little deep dimple on the side of his cheek popping out.

"Merry Christmas my little baby," I said grabbing his small hands, lifting him up and placing him on my lap. I look over to where Jesus slept, only to see him gone.

"Where is daddy?" I ask Noah as he plays with the necklace I had on.

"Making breakfast for us!" He cheers with happiness. I felt a smile tugging on my lips. I lifted Noah again, taking the gray blankets off my body and stood up, off the bed. I placed Noah on my hip as I made my way out of the bedroom.

The smell of sizzling bacon and fresh pancakes wafted towards me, immediately making my stomach growl in hunger.

I heard two waves of laughter coming from the small kitchen, making my smile widen as I recognized the girls laugh.

"Auntie Mariana!" Noah screamed in my ear, wiggling out of my grasp and jumping over to Mariana who sat on a stool by the marble kitchen island.

I watched as Mariana picked him up, settling him on her lap and kissing his cheek multiple times making him giggle.

"Hey," Mariana said as she looked up at me, giving me a bright smile. She opened her arms for a hug and I laughed, wrapping my arms around her. "Ugh, I've missed you." She groaned.

When Mariana moved to L.A. with Callie, getting an apartment with her, we barely had time to talk. I remembered in high school, we were basically attached to the hip and now? Well, a FaceTime call is basically all we have.

"My life isn't the same with you by my side." She said as I pulled away, laughing.

"I know, same. I can't complain to you about Jesus as much anymore."

"Hey!" Jesus yelled from his spot near the stove, flipping pancakes. He looked over his shoulder, glaring at me.

I just rolled my eyes, giving him a smile, which he returned. Gosh, I love him so much. While Mariana continued playing with Noah, I walked over to Jesus, wrapping my arms around him from the back.

"Merry Christmas, my annoying love," I mumbled into his shoulder, leaning up to peck his cheek.

His deep laugh rumbles his body. "Merry Christmas, my not evil love." He said back, kissing the top of my head.

I just shook my head. "Can I open my presents now?" Noah asked from behind us.

Jesus placed two pancakes and bacon on a plate, placing it in front of Noah. "Eat first."

Noah gave him a grin, grabbing a fork and quickly started to eat, so he can finish fast and open his presents. "Hey, eat slow." Jesus ruffled Noah hair, making him frown and eat at a normal pace.

"I want a kid." Mariana pouted, hugging Noah close to her body.

"Find someone who you can actually stick in a relationship with first," Jesus said, laughing as Mariana flipped him off behind Noah, so he wouldn't see.

I just smiled, grabbing myself a plate.


I leaned against Jesus' chest as Noah sat in front of the Christmas tree, grabbing the first big gift box that had his name. Jesus wrapped his arms around my waist.

Noah ripped the red wrapping paper and shouted in happiness when he saw the toy car inside. Noah was a very energetic child.

"Woah!" Noah smiled up at us. "Thank you, mommy and daddy." He also, thankfully, quickly learned manners. Somewhat.

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