Her Name is Suu

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You heard Miia and Centorea complaining about their things, as you came down stairs to see Suu in her human form, looking cute as things are inside of her.

Miia/Centorea: DAMN SLIME!!

Kurusu ran in front of the two angered Monstergirls.

Kurusu: Now now!

You and Papi walk to Suu as Papi wrapped her arm around Suu.

Papi: Suu wasn't doing it on purpose!

Y/N: yeah, she doesn't know what she's doing.

Kurusu: Huh? Suu?

Papi: yeah Suu!

Y/N: she's a slime, so me and Papi decided to name her Suu.

Papi: we came up with the name.

Suu: Ssssuuuuu...?

Papi: yeah, Suu.

Miia: it speaks!?!?

Y/N: Hey! It's "She" and yes, she can speak, I tried to teach her words and so far, she knows couple of them.


Y/N: See! she even knows my name.

Kurusu: incredible, she learns rather quickly.

Centorea: But shall we really allow her to her current state?

Miia: she's sticky and slimy, also we can't give her regular clothes or it will soak.

Kurusu has an idea.

Kurusu: Y/N! Where is the raincoat and boots?

Y/N: when we were little? It's in the attic.

He then went to the attic and got his raincoat and boots and gave them to Suu to wear.

Miia: Darling! You're so smart!

Y/N: huh, how convenient we had that, it was like it. was. Supposed. To. Happen.

Centorea: Wait! Wasn't she but larger? Why is she smaller?

Y/N: Maybe, she must have absorb some water from the bath earlier.

Kurusu: So, that must be her actual size.

Y/N: maybe...

Miia leans to Kurusu's ear.

Miia:*whispering* but what should we do? She probably didn't get here illegally.

Kurusu: So she's illegal!?

Centorea: Shall we have Smith deal with this?

Y/N: well first of all, we don't know where she originally lives, so they wouldn't take her back.

Miia: yeah, so they might place her in probation or even Prison.

Papi was eavesdropping hearing about what the four was talking about.

Y/N: Jail?! No way, they can't take her away!

Kurusu: Hey! Why is it so quiet?

All four looked to see Papi carrying Suu, flying away.

Kurusu: PAPI, WAIT!! Where is she taking her!?

Y/N: I'm going after them!

You ran off following them.

Kurusu: Wait up Y/N, we'll foll...

They stopped to see a familiar woman.

*Timeskip brought to you by a Chibi Y/N running after Chibi Papi flying while carrying Chibi Suu*

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