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she asked some people about an Italian restaurant or place around and she ended up on a park. a moment later, a little boy approached her and handing a small note with a polaroid photo stuck on it. "here, for you." the little boy left and with that she reads the note. she bites her lip, trying so hard not to smile really wide because of what's written:

Bambi oh my god i can't believe i'm doing this wtf this is so cliché but there's a daisy on one of the bench, and just follow the instruction from there!

the photo stuck on it is a picture of a hand holding a daisy, with bench on the background. she smiled and look at the bench around, sort of getting stared at people around on how she was checking every part of the bench.

she sighed and was about to search back from the very first bench when she saw an old woman about to sit on a flower on a bench near the last, last bench. "wait!" she half yelled and the woman looked up to her.

she ran to her and smiled before picking up the flower. "you almost sit on it, sorry." she didn't know why she apologized but the woman only nodded.

"is that a note? like from your boyfriend?" she said and evelyn could feel her cheeks heating up. "uh - i don't exact - "

"that's really ute." she said still smiling. "you're a lucky girl. now, go find that boy." evelyn keeps smiling, thanking her and walk near a fountain - that she guessed is the center of the park.

well you're not that bad i guess, now go to the playground and find another daisy okay Bambi go!!!

there's a photo stuck on it, it's a hand holding a daisy too, but this time the background is the playground. and she could see it clearly from where she is. she ran over to the place, and saw a lot of kids playing there. how am i gonna find it?

well, she could've just search around with kids playing around, i mean, that's easy. she walked towards the slide and see underneath it like a psycho. but there's nothing there, so she walked to the swings and saw a little girl holding the daisy in her hands. so she walked up ot her.

"hey there, pretty." she greeted her. the girl looked up and blushed. "is that a note?" evelyn pointed at a note in her other hand. the little girl nodded.

"but, i don't know what it means. and my name's not Bambi, i think it's not for me." her face fell and it made evelyn somehow felt bad and she didn't even know why she should. "can i read it?" she handed evelyn the note and keep looking at the flower.

BAMBI one last clue! i'm trying not to give you so many tasks bc i lyk u

there's a picture of the hand and another daisy again, but this time the background is a small table, number 31. she knows it must be in the restaurant, but she doesn't know where it is. but, it couldn't be that far from here, right?

"is it for you?' the little girl asked again.

"i think so." she answered. "do you want to keep the flower?" she asked, stroking her blonde hair softly. the girl nodded and evelyn let her keep it.

"i need to get going, is that okay?"

"yeah, it's okay." she waved at evelyn and she returned it. she needs to find the place, it couldn't be that far.

"excuse me, do you know if there's any place like a restaurant around here?" she asked a middle-aged woman, who's sitting by herself near the playground, she guessed, the woman's looking out for her child or something.

"oh!" she said. "there's this small restaurant on the lake around here. i guess that way, just go straight that way." evelyn nodded, thanking her and walking away. well, here we go.

about 25 minutes of searching, she found a small restaurant, '' written on the front. she doesn't know what that means, but she bets it's an Italian name, so she stepped in and was greeted by a worker in the shop.

she just smiled and keep walking, searching for table number 31. the place isn't crowded that made it not so hard to find the table. the table is outside, faced with the lake. the faint sound of music is played throughout the place and it calmed her.

she was so nervous, like the kind of nervous where you want to run away before you throw up or do something stupid infront of the person. that'd be embarrassing, right?

she found the same note and daisy on the table, but this time a cup settled next to it. she opened the note first:


that's when someone covered her eyes and er hearts beats a hundred times faster than before that she thinks it's gonna get out of her chest. she gets herself all together and brought up her hands to touch his.

turning around,

eyes opened painfully slow,

she looked up.

"hi." he smiled.

she gasped. forgetting how to breath or even to move. but her hand covered her mouth, eyes don't seem to be blinking, because maybe is she does, the tall boy infront of her will disappear.

"m-michael cliff-ford?"



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