Chapter 7

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Vamp: my word for vampires who disappear in a blink of an eye in this show.

Just so no one is confused because I've been using it a lot.


I've been here about a month now, in this city, with my family. They have moved me from the plantation to the compound in the middle of my father's kingdom. I can actually start to see what everyone was talking about when they told me I am definitely my father's daughter. Okay, I'll admit only my Aunt Becks tells me that, but that isn't the point. I see similarities in my mother also, I talk like her and have her same kind of stance and expression on my face half the time.

Speaking of my parents, they've been trying to spend time with me. That usually means sitting in a room that I'm reading or painting in and just watching me read or paint. It's actually kind of annoying, but I know it's because we don't know what to say to each other. But all I want to do is avoid them because I am still processing the fact that I am in the midst of my parents the people who gave me away and I had to nearly be killed in order for them to care.

It's really more the reason why I've never seen them before is more awkward than actually meeting them. How is that conversation supposed to go down? Oh, hey your grandmother wanted to sacrifice you so we had to give you away to keep you safe, so Hope, how many boyfriends have you had? Yea. No.

I spend most of my time with Elijah or Rebekah. Elijah helps me study things like Shakespeare and Hamlet, which I am pretty sure that is the same thing but let's move on. I hang out with Aunt Becks and talk about normal things, she is trying to convince me to dye my hair back to it's original color. But I refuse, I have a completely new life now and I really would like to embrace that life. Which starts with avoiding my true parents, which I have already explained, I am not ready for.

Right now I sit in the library which I seem to be spending a lot of time in. I am currently wrapped up in a blanket and have a book that Elijah wants me to read on my lap. Though, I am nodding in and out of sleep. Because so I don't get out of shape, me and Rebekah went for a jog out in the bayou far where no one could harm us. She took me there in a black SUV with tinted windows. So much for subtle. Hayley stayed behind because I wanted some time to talk with her about them. Then after that we a few other things that left me exhausted and it was wicked late.

"Is the book not interesting you?"

I look up and see Klaus standing there leaning against the doorway that smirk on his lips. I shake my head, "Nope," I sigh looking back down at the book.

Klaus frowns a little bit and steps forward, walking behind me, "What is it exactly, you had been staring at the same page for quite some time," he teases with a small chuckle.

"Hamlet," I tell him, then furrow my brow, "Or Romeo and Juliet, I can't tell everybody dies anyway what's the point of it?" I ask then stood and brought my blanket walking out of the room. Okay, I'll admit that probably wasn't necessary walking off like that but I didn't want to stay there. Hayley comes out of the kitchen as I pass it, but I dip my head down and walk to my room. I close my door and walk onto my balcony. I bite my lips and lean on the balcony smiling at the breeze hitting my face.

I hear a knock on my door and someone comes in. It was just Elijah, I nod at him showing him he had my permission to come inside. He came beside me on the balcony and looked down at me, "Forgive me, but it seems that you're doing everything in your power to stay away from your parents," he observes looking back out where I was looking. "May I ask why?"

I sigh and turn around leaning against the railing. Elijah knew me so well in month and a few weeks that I've been here so I can't exactly deny that. "I don't know what to say to them," I say shaking my head.

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