Doctor Minyak died

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Suddenly, Henry stabbed Doctor Minyak at his neck with a knife and he turns around and saw kid danger smile evil.

Minyak: kid what are you doing why you killing me not captain man instead of me I'm your captain you need to obey me

Henry: you are no longer my evil team I going solo alone just Evil Henry you think I will join your team I'm not stupid or dumb not like you don't have any brain

Minyak: why you

suddenly, Minyak throw a knife straight to Henry's face and cut a lit bit of his face and it bleeds but he doesn't have any pain or feel at all.

Ray: Henry please call an ambulance for me I need to have to check up

Henry calls 991 and pass his phone at Ray.

Ray: hello ambulance I am seriously injured please come here quickly and hurry

Ambulance 1: okay, please hang tight we are our way to rescue you

Ray: thanks please hurry

Ambulance 2: where is your location at

Ray: I at Doctor Minyak hidden place and I am captain Man seriously injured

Ambulance 1: OMG you are captain Man and where is your sidekick kid danger

Ray: I explain later first you need to hurry my bleeding cannot stop bleeding

Ambulance 2: we are coming soon in 1 minute time just hang

Henry: can I have my phone back captain Man

Ray: No I don't want to give your phone back to you Henry

Henry: fine you can keep it I don't want my phone back anywhere

Ray: where are you doing Henry

Henry: I am out of here see you never captain Man

Ray: please don't leave me, kid

Henry: as I said I am not your sidekick anymore you need to find a new sidekick better than me

Ray: don't you dare walk away from me Henry

Henry: I'm sorry but this is goodbye forever captain Man

Henry suddenly leaves doctor minyak hidden place and left captain man behind alone again and he was gone forever.

Ray: HENRY!!!!

A few hours later an ambulance come to recuse captain man and suddenly they saw doctor minyak on the ground cover his blood on his shirt and captain man just beside minyak and he is really badly injured and needs to have to go to the hospital immediately for his ICU.

Ambulance 1: where is kid danger captain man

Ray: kid danger is gone forever

Ambulance 2: who did this to you captain man

Ray: I can't tell you but I know you cannot trust him again

Ambulance 1: just tell me

Ray: it was kid danger who did this to me and doctor minyak

Ambulance 2: WHAT? he did this to you

Ray: yes he does

Ambulance 1: how can he did this to you

Ray: well you arrest him or help him

Ambulance 2: I think we get him to the police if he shows up again back here at swellview

Ray: but I have his phone right here

Ambulance 1: why you do not give him back his phone

Ray: I said no to him

Ambulance 2: never if someone sees kid danger he/she can call the swellview police department

Ray: they can do that

Ambulance 1: yeah totally

Ambulance 2: stop talking you two we need to take captain man to the hospital

Ambulance 1: yes, of course, sir we do

-Ray P.O.V-

Henry, please be safe and be careful and don't die whatever your reason is I hope you go back home with your family and your friend Jasper or Charlotte and your young sister Piper who is still at home worried.

-Henry P.O.V-

please, Ray, I won't ever go back to swellview ever again and I will not miss my family or friends Charlotte and Jasper won't forgive me what I did this to you and my fans will never ever forgive me and myself ever.

Meanwhile, at the hospital Charlotte and Jasper come early and see captain man is seriously injured and said to him saw who did this to you.

Charlotte: Ray who did this to you

Ray: it was Henry Charlotte

Doctor: please two you need to go outside first we need to check his viral

Charlotte and Jasper went out and sit at the chair and Jasper were still playing his phone and suddenly piper comes to visit someone at the hospital and Charlotte walk to piper and said where are you here.

Charlotte: piper where are you here did you visit someone at the hospital

Piper: Hey Charlotte I didn't notice you were here

Charlotte: piper I have some bad news about your brother Henry

Piper: what he did this time

Charlotte: you have seen the news are you

Piper: what news

Charlotte pass her tablet and click about captain man and kid danger fight each other and piper face were shocked by watching the today news and suddenly piper speaks up with a worried tone.

Piper: Oh My God!!! did captain man okay

Charlotte: he was badly injured and now he is in the hospital resting painfully

Piper: how about kid danger he also injured

Charlotte: kid danger is the one who hurt captain man

Piper: WHAT? really Charlotte kid danger did this to captain man I thought he is his sidekick not killing each other

Charlotte: yeah I just worried about captain man right here in his room

Piper: oh yeah I forget you saying about Henry

Charlotte: yes that he is missing and I don't know where he is right now but I know someone who knows where is Henry

Piper: great who it is

Charlotte: Captain man

Piper: really he knows where is Henry

Charlotte: yes but now he needs to rest and recovered by his injured

Piper: yeah sure

Charlotte: good night piper

piper: good night Charlotte

Charlotte walks back where is captain man room and saw Jasper was still playing his game and we wait for tomorrow morning to see captain man is getting better or worse than I thought it could be.

Evil Henry Where stories live. Discover now