Henry meet the Game Shaker

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Henry didn't realise that he is actually at New York City right now but he must find where to sleep for the night.

-Game Shaker-

Triple G go out to buy some drink for babe and Kenzie to drink and suddenly he saw someone is sitting there for an hour and he asking him something but he rejects his words.

Triple G: can I help you, sir,

Henry: what you want little boy I'm busy

Triple G: what did you just say

Henry: I said little boy why you gotta problem with that

Triple G: yeah I have problem with you why not you come with me and settle down at my game shaker

Henry: sweet cool

Both of them went to the game shaker and suddenly babe turn around and saw triple G bring unknown guest inside game shaker.

Babe: triple G why are you bring people into are were place

Triple G: I'm sorry these guy say that I am a little boy

Babe: WHAT? I teach him a lesson

Triple G: No wait I should teach him a lesson about calling name

Babe: sure

Triple G walk to him and suddenly punch his face but Henry dodge his punch and move very fast like super bullet.

Henry: you very slow triple G

Triple G: how did you know my name

Henry: well let me tell you who I am

Henry: I am kid danger known as Henry

Triple G: wait hold your horses did say that your name was kid danger as captain Man sidekick

Henry: sure why not

Babe: triple G how did you know him and who is captain Man

Triple G: I explain later

Henry: I'm sorry to disturb you guys

Triple G: nah it just nothing really

Babe: Triple G!!!

Triple G: babe what

Babe: triple G can I have private with you outside please

Triple G: yeah sure

Babe and triple G went outside and have their private talk.

Meanwhile kenize and hudson went at the back of the game shaker and saw someone is sitting down on the chair and babe or triple G is still talking at outside.

-Henry P.O.V-

I must hurry up and have some to sleep for a night and get out of here as soon as possible.

Suddenly Henry heard someone is pull a laser on my shirt and Henry dodge the laser and Henry fell down on the floor with a broken leg and his leg were injured and cannot even walk.

Finally babe and triple G finish their conversation and went inside and suddenly saw Henry were collapse and his leg were injured badly from his falls.

Babe: kenize why Henry is on the floor

Kenize: who is Henry?

Babe suddenly point at the floor and kenize said.

Kenize: Oh it was him

Triple G: really kenize

Kenize: so what should we do with him

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