Captain Man & Henry arguing

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In the middle of the night at the Mancave Henry scolds captain Man about something and captain Man shout at Henry is.

Captain Man: HENRY!! listen to me very carefully I'm do not listen to your complaints about me destroy your stupid toy

Henry: okay..okay I get it fine if you want to act like a childish so much then I quit been your sidekick forever I am done with you Ray Manchester I will not see you for work and I not want to see you face again if Charlotte and Jasper say where is Henry just say Henry is quite been your sidekick I am out of here

Captain Man: fine you go ahead and I don't want to see your face again ever in my life if you need my help not see me go and see Jasper & Charlotte

Henry takes the lift and leaves the junk N staff without Jasper and Charlotte saw him go out from the store.

Captain Man: man I been rude with Henry all my life argh damn it

Suddenly, Jasper came into the Mancave and saw Ray were so angry with someone or something.

Jasper: yo! Ray what are you doing what happened

Ray: oh hi Jasper nothing me and Henry just arguing about something

Jasper: oh yeah about what?

Ray: nothing just Man staff

Jasper: really okay

Ray: man you are really stupid you know that right

Jasper: me stupid nonsense

Ray: nevermind you don't know the meaning of that words anywhere

Jasper: hey ray have you see Charlotte anywhere have you

Ray: no not yet why

Jasper: nothing I just go and find myself bye

Ray: okay Jasper

Jasper leaves and Ray nothing to do and Ray needs to apologize to Henry because he acts as nothing happened around Henry before it too late.

-Henry Room-

Henry: captain man is a total jerk and I wish that I haven't met Ray before and becoming captain man sidekick fighting over crime day and night I want to becoming solo criminal myself I just leave swellview away from Ray and other as well

suddenly, Henry write a letter to his family and he wants to run away from home and he doesn't want to tell anyone that he is leaving swellview tonight by himself.

Henry: goodbye swellview I will not miss swellview anymore ever again

Ray finally come to Henry house and knock at the door and suddenly Henry dad opens the door and says that where is Henry.

Ray: Hello good evening Mr Hart have you seen your son Henry he didn't come to my work today

Mr Hart: no I have not seen Henry anywhere why what happened to him his okay right

Ray: no I and him have an arguing at work before he has a bad temper and went home

Mr Hart: I think he is at his room I better go and check if he okay

Ray: no wait I go upstairs because I scold him and I go and check on him if he is feeling okay

Mr Hart: sure, please

Ray walk to the stairs and went to Henry room and finally arrive outside from his room and he knocks at Henry door and says is.

Ray: Hey Henry I'm sorry for scold you I'm the one who needs to apologize to you Henry please open the door so that I can go in

suddenly, Ray realises that Henry door is unlocked and can open and Ray come in and Henry is not at his room anymore but Ray turns around and see a letter on the Henry table and Ray picks up the letter and read it and what he is saying.

Dear mom & dad,

I run away from home don't find me or my boss Ray or Charlotte and Jasper I will disappear from swellview and I go somewhere far from here and I have done doing captain man sidekick partner.

Love Henry

Ray: argh Henry damn it please don't go to Doctor Minyak hidden place if I made in time to rescue

suddenly Henry dad saw Ray come downstairs in a hurry and he grab his arm and say to him is.

Mr Hart: Ray where are you going where is Henry why he is not coming out from his room

Ray: I'm sorry your son Henry is not here he is going to leave swellview if I could not stop your son could have a big trouble

Mr Hart: WHAT?

Ray: I need to get going to rescue your son Mr Hart please stay here if you come along with me you get hurt

Mr Hart: sure okay be careful

Ray: thanks for the tips

Ray leave swellview and go find Henry at Doctor Minyak hidden place but he forgets where is the place.

Meanwhile, Henry arrives at Doctor Minyak hidden place which far from swellview and he goes inside and saw doctor minyak is working something with captain man and kid danger but he didn't know that kid danger is quitting becoming captain man sidekick forever.

Henry: yo Doctor Minyak what's up nice to see you working on something

suddenly, Doctor Minyak turns around and see kid danger and he started to laugh at him

Minyak: oh Henry you just step for a trap where is captain man

Henry: can you please stop saying his name in front of me you jerk minyak

Minyak: oh what happened to two fighting each other now

Henry: yes and now I want to join with you Doctor minyak what do you think

Minyak: are you playing a game with me right now kid danger

Henry: no I'm not playing a game I am serious

Minyak: well kid danger welcome to Doctor Minyak and I have your costume and your old uniform can burn it

Henry: sure you have some light so that I can burn it in front of us

Minyak: here you go Evil kid danger

Henry: thank you

Both of them laugh and saw Henry old uniform burn up with flames and suddenly Ray show up at Doctor Minyak hidden place.

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