Chapter 21: No Closer to the Truth

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Beacon Academy - Team RWBY'S Dorm

After spending Christmas with Blake and her parents, Y/n felt more at ease around Blake but one thing was plaguing the young Hunter's mind, the same thing that was on everyone's mind. Ruby had been called into Professor Ozpin's office after events that happened back during the dance, while Yang, Weiss, Blake and Y/n were waiting for her return.

Yang was watching Y/n as he played around with his combat knife, balancing it on the point on his middle finger and occasionally running the knife through and along his right hand.

Weiss was going over notes from previous classes while Blake was reading one of the books that her parents got her for Christmas.

"I wonder how Ruby's going with Professor Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch, let alone that Ironwood guy."

"What's your take on this Y/n?"

Not hearing his name the young Hunter kept playing around with his knife, as a troubled expression adorned his face.


Tossing his knife in the catching it in a reverse grip, the young Hunter jumped slightly at the shout of his name. Earning concerned expressions from the three huntresses in the room.

"What's up?"

"We wanted to know your opinion on the situation, but you were so busy with your, whatever that was."

"You want my honest opinion Weiss?"

The white haired huntress eyed the young Hunter as he seemed distant, almost isolating himself from the small group.

"We don't have a lot to go on, all we know is that the White Fang is operating out of the Southeast of the kingdom, it's a big place, and a lot of ground to cover, and quite frankly we need more time. But that's a luxury we don't have, I gotta talk to Ozpin."

Holstering his combat knife, the young Hunter left the dorm leaving the three huntresses each with their own questions. As Y/n made his way he passed Ruby as she was just returning from her own venture to the headmaster's office, Ruby went to call out to her friend but quickly reneged as she saw the look on his face.

Professor Ozpin's Office
As Ruby had left the office not 15 minutes ago, Ozpin's buzzer went off signaling to the headmaster and the other two present that someone was awaiting entry.


As the elevator doors to Ozpin's office opened, the headmaster was rather surprised to see Y/n enter his office purely because the young Hunter was known to socialize with his friends, but upon further inspection Ozpin saw the look in the young Hunter's eyes, one he himself was all too familiar with.

"I apologize for the interruption Professors, but I felt as though this couldn't wait."

"What seems to be troubling you Y/n, as your headmaster I want you to know that you can confide in me whenever the need should arise."

"Thank you professor, I was wondering if I'd be able to take a mission solo out in the Southeast of the Kingdom."

Giving the young Hunter an inquisitive eye, Ozpin remained silent as he decided how the best approach to this would be, at least until General Ironwood jumped in first.

"Now hold on, you can't just come up here and demand something like this from your headmaster, just who are you anyway? I don't believe that you even have a team to back you up, and yet you have the gaul to make demands of your headmaster, if you were in my academy I'd have you kicked out for insubordination!"

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