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You had just gotten back in town when to have Christmas dinner with your uncle and Henry and to give them your Christmas presents. You convinced your mom to let you leave for a couple of minutes to visit Patrick. You walked up to his front door and banged on it waiting for him to answer. You also had a little surprise that you held in your hand. The door opened to reveal a shirtless Patrick. You couldn't help but stare at him for a while. "Babe what are you doing here? How did you get here?" He asked. Shaking your head you looked him in the eyes. "I'm back in town. I left my Henry's to come visit you." You said. Suddenly you remembered your original plan on when he opened the door. You raised you right hand up which in turn caught Patrick's attention. Once your arm was outstretched to above your head Patrick noticed the mistletoe you were holding. "Your a dork." He said smiling. He leaned down and gave you a quick kiss.

You and him were alone in your room after opening gifts and just waiting for dinner to be done when henry realized something. "Shit I forgot to give you one last gift." He said getting of your bed. He headed to his bag that he brought with him. You watch him search for whatever your gift is. You felt bad because he got you so many gifts and you only got him like three gifts. "Babe you really didn't have to get me so many gifts. I feel bad that I didn't get you more." You said sadly. He shakes his head. "I had told you that you didn't need to get me any presents. Your already the best gift I could ever ask for. Ah found it. Close your eyes (y/n)." He said. You close your eyes and wait for whatever he is about to give you. You feel a little box being placed into your hands. "Okay open." When you open your eyes you see a beautiful ring and start to get teary eyed. "I know we're to young to get married so I got you a promise ring. So I promise to treat you right and to marry you one day." He said. You were crying because of how happy you were. You put the ring on the bed and kissed him.

Your family absolutely adored you two. They were constantly asking how you are with him or they ask him questions about himself. You were finally able to break him free from your family for a little bit. "I'm so sorry about them. Your the first ever boyfriend that they met." You apologized. "It's fine princess." He said. You smile at him and blush a bit. "So now that we have some alone time before we get called back in by my family I wanted to give you something." You said. He looks at you confused. You reached into your sweater pocket and pulled out a rectangle shaped box wrapped in shiny wrapping paper. "I didn't wanna give you this in front of the family because they would all aww and wanna take more pictures of us together." You explained. He nods his head and grabs the box from you. You watch as he unwraps it and opens it up. He gasps and pulls out a necklace that has a heart locket on it. He looked at you shocked. "Is i-it to g-girly?" You ask nervously. "No it's not. I love it." He said happily. You sigh in relief. "If you open it up you'll see a picture of us and the day we got together and our initials engraved." You tell him. He opens the lock and his face lights up and he begins to cry. He pulls you into a hug and cry's onto your shoulder. "Thank you I love it and I love you." He said. "You're welcome Vic. I love you too." You said. He pulls away from the hug and gives you a passionate kiss. Only for it to be interrupted by a flash of a camera and your aunt squealing about how she got a really cute photo of you two.

You had been nervous all day about how he would react to your gift. This year you decided to make him a photo album from when you guys were friends to when you guys started to date. You even left a bunch of space to add even more pictures to the book. As you guys sat in front of the Christmas tree at Belch's house. You couldn't help but feel more nervous about the gift you were about to give Belch. 'Maybe I can say I forgot it at my house and that I'll have to give it to him later. I'll get him a better gift.' You thought. Before you could hide the gift you see him reaching for it. "Last one." He said. You watch him read the name on the name tag. He looks at you and then back at the gift. 'Oh god what if he hates it.' You thought. You watch him unwrap the gift. He starts to open the photo album and flip through each page. You put your head down in shame because you felt like it was a shity gift. "I know it's not a good gift and I'm really sorry." You apologized. "Babe are you joking me. I-I love it." He said. Your head shot up and you look at him. He had tears running down his cheeks and the book was now on the ground next to him. "This is the best gift I could ever get." He said. You smile now feeling better about your gift. "Come here and give me a hug." You go over to him and hug him. He kisses your forehead and smiles. "I thought you would hate my gift to you." You tell him truthfully. He shakes his head. "I love it because it was made by you." He said. You blushed and hid your face in his chest. You feel his hand grab your chin and makes you look at him. Once your eyes meet he leans in and you do the same. Finally meeting for a well needed kiss.

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