The Rescue Mission (PJO fanfic)

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Kiana and her friends were just your average teens. Then because of a scholarship their lives were change forever.

-someone’s POV

            These past few weeks. i saw elfish faces in trees, and in bushes. At first i thought i was just imagining it. Then i heard it talk about something following, can sense me like its warning me about something bad is about to happen. I thought maybe I’m going mad because of too much pressure in school especially math. I hate math. Then a few weeks ago we had a new classmate. He also has experience with those plant people. I remembered the time when our teacher asked us to bring some plants for our room. The faces on the plants keep on giggling whenever he glances at their direction. Thinking about those weird faces made me nervous. I remembered the time when we had this research project which took us two weeks to accomplish.


            Me and my partner  just finished doing our research paper.  While we’re walking home I have a feeling like someone’s following us. But my friend said” maybe some of  my fan club” –I just elbowed him. So we kept on walking, we where almost near our house when we heard a twig snapped. We looked at the back but nothing. So again we walk. We reach the street where light posts are far apart, so that makes it a bit dark. We kept in walking then some of the light turned off and on, suddenly a gust of cold wind blew, then it stopped. The lights keep on turning on and off. It’s creepy. There’s no sound just our footsteps and another footsteps slow, and a bit far but loud enough to hear. I grabbed my friend’s arm. He looked behind but there was no one just the two of us in this creepy street. I looked at him, our eyes met. And he nodded. He understood. We started to walk again faster and faster. Then we were running. The footsteps that we heard before was getting fast. I didn’t dare look back. I’m not sure who or what was following us and i don’t want to meet him or whatever it is.

            Then my feet started to ache, we got slower and slower. I stopped running to breathe but he just pulled me to continue running. The footsteps are getting closer whoever or whatever it is , is just around the corner. We stopped running. I got a few seconds to rest from our running then he pulled me again. Now he’s pulling me to the ruined house covered with vines. The windows are broken to bits. We hide inside the house. Then I heard the footsteps again now closer, i peak outside to take a look. I saw a furry giant, his holding some kind of a cigarette, I immediately recognize this giant from the old folk stories my grandma use to tell me when i was a child – a Kapre. Then I saw a guy but when I look at his lower body it looks like a goat, he looks familiar. Then when the light post turned on from where he stands  . . . . Bush? But he can’t be. Then the giant saw Bush. I gasp but a girl appeared and put one finger at her lips. I look back at the scene he’s in trouble. The giant keep on swatting but missed. Bush took out a stick? Wait, no a pipe. He started to play but nothing happened, then i saw plants started to grow fast wrapping the giant. But it was no use the giant was strong. Bush played his pipe again then the plants creep at a big rock, and wrapped it. Then the plants lifted the rock and BOOM! The giant burst to dust. Then a rainbow appeared Bush toss a coin and an image flickered. After a few minutes of talking at the smoke. He fell down. I stood up and run to him. I noticed he has wounds, he’s bleeding hard. He saw me and told something like “ They’re  . . . coming. . to” then he burst to dust. I was crying, and then someone touched my shoulder. Then the trees rustled, the wind blew. He puts his hands on my mouth to keep silent. He helps me stand up and we started to walk fast again. We got home. I went straight to my room and fell asleep.

            , thinking about what happened that night. For me it was usual to see plants with face, but what happened now was weird.

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