Sunsets to watch with you (a memoir)

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"How come you always wear dresses."
"I don't fuckin' know their comfortable."

Michael eyed the dress carefully it was a black floral summer dress with sunflower patterns all over it. It fit really nice and slightly tight around his body but it did really expose his legs, they we're thigh length as well. He had a pair of black Doc's with white socks and Michael's black and white class Jacket with the year printed on the back. His hair was a curled up mullet that kinda looked like victory rolls or Wolverines's hairstyle it was very long and shaggy it fell in wavy locks on his shoulders and down the small of his back. He had light black eyeshadow, red lipstick on his lips, black nail polish on his nails that seemed to be old and scratched off, arm length black fishnet finger gloves, and a long metal earing that was hanging from his ear. Trevor curled his hair behind his ear looking annoyed.

"It doesn't matter babe, you look hot."

Michael was in front of Trevor's Trailer with his motorcycle every day he picked him up so they could go to school together and sometimes he never brought him back home because they were too busy going out to Motels or riding around on Michael's bike after school, sometimes Michael would even take Trevor to the beach to watch the sunset with him and they would stay there till they fell asleep.


"I hate school I don't see the point In going anymore," Trevor said holding Michael's hands feeling the breeze blow through his hair. "babe I want you to finish high school at least till then if you want you can go Study for the airfield." Trevor was sitting between Michael's legs with his back leaned back against his chest, his head right by his neck. Trevor didn't want to go home same as Michael they never did their parents weren't very understanding people and their father's were abusive so Michael decided like he always does every day To take Trevor somewhere else besides their homes he took him to the beach it was cold and for the most part it wasn't a snowy day but it wasn't warm either he wanted to take Trevor to watch the sunset with him. "If we could I would ask you to marry me you know." Trevor looked up at him and rolled his eyes. "We both know I'm not the marrying type." Michael chuckles and lights his cigarette. "I would make you my wife, just think about T once we make enough money to rob we'll move out of this shit hole, Los Santo's where all the golden movies are where we can feel the sun on our faces I'll buy you whatever dresses you want, makeup, jewelry the best and we'll have a nice big house and as many cars we want with two kids!, a maid, and I can work on films Oh, could you see it baby? Can you see this dream I'm gonna make it come true for both of us I promise just you and me."

"That dream didn't come true maybe it did but it wasn't with me, it was with someone new."


Trevor woke up from his dreams gasping his sweat was fierce cold and his body was trembling. "What the fuck was that?" He whispered softly to himself as his tears rolled out of his eyes he tried to look for Michael but he wasn't on the bed next to him as he ran his hand on the spot where Michael should have been hoping he'd feel some type of warmth against his palm Trevor was only disappointed by the coldness on the empty space, a fact that Michael has long gone. He started thinking about his dream again sitting up on the bed it was a memory but he Dreamt this memory and somehow his dream took a different turn at the end when he heard his own voice reminding him of Michael's betrayal. He covered his face and for a while, he sat and cried when he remembered all the things that Michael promised him growing up it still bothered him and it still ached. Trevor looked over at the door as he heard the key from the other side of it, the door flung open and Michael stepped in closing it behind him. "Mornin' babe you slept well?" Trevor looked up surprised to see him here. "I really thought you left Mikey."

Trevor sniffled. Michael held two bags of up and Atoms in his hand. "I went out to get us some food but before that I was smoking a cigarette and before that, a fan asked me to take a picture with them." Trevor couldn't help but smile at him from the bed. "At least he came back." Trevor softly whispered to himself.

Michael made his way over towards him with the food. "what's wrong with your face? It looks like you've been crying it's strange cause I haven't actually seen you cry since we were seventeen." Trevor looked up at him as Michael rubbed his cheek he set the food down and examine his face more. "You're eyes are really puffy T why were you crying." Trevor looked down at his thighs but Michael only moved his chin towards his.

"What's wrong baby you can tell me." M looked at T with a concerned look on his face he knew there was something wrong. Trevor decided not to tell him about the dream he thought it would only complicate things and Trevor was already starting to get used to the kind, gentle, caring, and loving Michael he once knew up in Yankton. "I just thought you were gonna leave me again." Michael felt a little relieved and laughed lightly. "I ain't going nowhere babe, I'm sorry I didn't tell you where I was going before I left I thought I was going to make it back before you woke up." T smiled at him.

"It's okay sugar don't worry about it if you did ever leave me again I would hunt you down and murder you." Michael hand Over Trevor's bag of food. "Eat up I already called Amanda it turns out she's got company with her." Trevor looked into Michael's eyes he could see how empty and sad they were he leaned in slowly and embraced Michael. He held him tightly wrapping his arms around his torso Michael excepted the hug, he rested his head against Trevor's and closed his eyes. "Thanks, T."

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