Sunsets to watch with you part 2

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It's been exactly a week since the divorce was finalized it wasn't rough at all sense Amanda and Michael had a deep understanding that they no longer wanted to be with each other. Amanda and Michael remained friends very good friends, in fact, they were actually close Michael decided not to take the house from Amanda he figured that Trevor wouldn't feel comfortable staying there or fit in a place like that considering he never really liked fancy things also Michael wanted to make sure his kids had a home to go to when things aren't exactly working for them speaking of the kids Jimmy finally has his own place and has a job working at a video game store while Tracy is on her forth year of college for fashion Michael And Amanda Video chatted them both over the phone regarding their divorce of course Jimmy and Trace didn't like the sound of that but it was no surprise to them that their parents wasn't gonna last Michael also announced that he was together with Trevor and he told them the whole story about T and him being together sense kids Tracy wasn't really bothered by the idea of having two dads she was actually happy for her dad and Jimmy didn't really care although he did had a couple of opinions about it. Honestly, everything was going so well T and M had no home to go to but they were determined to find one that fits them both for the meantime they slept in hotels and stayed on the road traveling all over Los Santos.

"Next stop paleto bay," Trevor said happily he was driving while M was on the passenger seat. A lot happened in a week the divorce and announcing it to the kids then telling them that their dad was gay also T giving up his Business, Trevor Phillips Enterprises T gave it all up for M and now Ron owns it he was hoping to start his new life clean and happy. Then they told Franklin their son Frank knew that T was gay but not M he didn't really mind it though he was extremely happy for them. M and T went up in person to tell him and they hanged out at a bar and drove around town before T and M would leave on their Journey and later on everyone that walked into Michael's life and Trevor's knew about them Lester and the heist crew, Solomon, Lamar their whole friends and people T and M considered family.

"M, we're gonna be happy right?" Trevor focused on the road his hand steady on the steering wheel the music was low on the radio while the seeds "can't seem to make you mine." Was playing on the radio. T had a very unsure look on his face as M studied him. "Yeah, we're gonna be so fucking happy T don't worry I'll make you happy I promise I ain't gonna leave you ever again." T smiled and his happy expression on his face reappeared again Michael reached for Trevor's hand and held it on his lap T held his hand tightly while driving they stayed like that for the whole drive.


T and M arrived at Bayview Lodge it was a Diner, General store, and also a place in which it rented out a couple of rooms. The plan for them was to spend a couple of nights and look for a nice place to stay in nothing to fancy maybe a run-down house for cheap that could be a fixer up if not they would be back on the road again until they do but for some reason Paleto Bay was calling out to T and he knew that there was a place for them that they could call their own. Michael and Trevor have already unpacked their things and settled in it was a small room with a fireplace and a bathroom most of the things smelled old and looked cheap but that was okay because it reminded them of those hotel nights back in Yankton. "T before we start this Journey their's some shit we need to straighten out." Michael was sitting in the bed as he spoke Out. "Mmm, and what shit is that sugar." T replied stopping what he was doing to pay attention to M. "okay look we can't kill people no more, no more stealing, killing, hitting people, drinking, smoking, hookers, and all the bad shit that we do ain't no reason to do it no more." Trevor went back to what he was doing he wasn't ignoring M but more like being annoyed that he would even mention that considering that Trevor already knew. "Don't forget lying Mikey." Michael rolled his eyes. "yeah, let's not forget that T I'm being fucking serious here we can't do the crazy shit we do all the time." Trevor let go of his bag on the bed and looked at him frustrated. "Michael, i know that we ain't gonna hurt nobody no more, unless we have to okay I get it." Michael got off the bed and shouted in shock. "Are you fucking kidding me not even if we had to T we're trying to change to become better people aren't we? To be come normal." Trevor looked down slowly and then he looked back at M who was looking at him panicking. "M we're not normal, we're not better people, we're not like others we can't be normal we can't just act like we didn't do anything wrong in our life we can stop it now but we're always gonna be the first ones on the list to hell God ain't gonna just forget nor forgive us so you can forget about repenting especial for as long as we've been doing these things we've never given a shit or a single thought about our actions till now we'll do everything we can that makes us happy before we burn for our god damn sins but now we can't look at the pass M that ship has been sailed I say anyone that's after us we take em' out that's how it's always been we have to protect Franklin and our family even ourselves and each others back but I know none of that is gonna happen cause' no one is after us we've taken care of that long ago Devin, now we're gonna start being clean so don't worry about it I'm just saying unless we have to so let's not let it happen." Michael looked at Trevor silently for once in his life T actually had a sane mentally and made sense he slowly sat back on the bed and looked at him nodding. "Yeah let's do that T." He said slowly closing his eyes. Trevor went back to his bag to unpack and everything was silent afterwards.


Michael and Trevor walked down to the beach from The Bayview Lodge after they had dinner at the diner The sun was setting and Michael wanted to see it so he tagged Trevor along. Michael had a regular white T, green trunks, sandals, and sunglasses while Trevor had a white summer dress with no shoes at all. Out of everything that was scarred on Trevor's body his feet were the most taken care of  mostly because Trevor doesn't expose his feet very often so they stay protected in his shoes. They arrived on the beach and the first they stopped to look at was the sunset reflecting against the water.

"Mikey remember when we were kids sometimes when your dad beats you up so bad you would came all the way to my Trailer on your bike to come get me and we would stay out the whole night till we go to school." Michael was standing next to Trevor their hands were locked with their fingers inter-whined as they gazed up at the ocean. "Yeah, i do." Michael spoke softly. "Remember you would take me to the ocean and we would sit there watching the sunset till you calm down." Michael smiled and nodded. "And I would sneak my dad's cigarettes and take them and we would smoke the whole pack in one day." Trevor laughed lightly. "Yeah, and then when we decide to go home early you would drop me off and go home only to find out that your dad beat your ass again because you kept stealing his cigarettes." Michael laughed. "And then you would go to my place and sneak though the window of my room and I would look after you till we had to go to school." Trevor added as Michael smiled to himself closing his eyes. "Yeah, you was a really good boyfriend T then you would punch me because I kept getting into fights with my dad." Trevor laughed again and Michael laughed too as he rested his head on Trevor's shoulder. Trevor was much taller but Michael didn't seem to mind all that much about it they walked around the beach and the shores while holding hands the water running against their feet Trevor thought this was all a dream but honestly it was just the beginning of a long lost dream that came true.

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