The project!

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Thanks for starting to read this book! I'm British so I do say "year 9" rather than using grades. However I have been using "mom" a lot so there will be a fair mix of language! I will definitely try my best to update as regularly as possible and the goal for each chapter is 1000-1500 words! However the length of the chapters will be going up! That's all for now!

Lucy's PoV
Just another year! Simple just don't stick out.. Stay with Levy and get good grades, You'll be fine! The teachers usually let you choose your own partners so me and Lev will have it easy this year! I packed my bag fairly quickly and skipped breakfast, grabbed some spare cash for lunch and frowned at the state of the kitchen. I went to my dad's room to tell him I was going to school and would come back later but the door was closed.. Never mind! He's probably just screwing another lady cause he's still getting over mom or... Ugh Not the Time Lucy! I got up and left practically banging the door.
"What rich old lady is he screwing this time" I thought to myself putting my noise cancelling headphones on. I ended up walking to school practically unnoticed until i got to the entrance where I found Levy eagerly waiting for me. I'm She's knows that I'm quiet and that I don't like to talk much. Well she has been my best friend since we were like 4!
"Hey Lev, How u been?" I asked, my throat croaking for some reason.
She talked to me about her trip to Hargeon and gave me a stuffed animal she brought back for me. It was off a cute little dog which looked more like a snowman but was ever so cute! It was chewing on a carrot as well! Hmm I'll name it Plue! Anyways, She talked about the trip and how her twin brother Jellal scared her.
"Hey Lu-chan?" She said, her tone changed to a more serious one.
"Yh Lev?" I asked my eyes dropped to the floor.
"Lucy I know something is bothering you, we've known each other for ages tell me what happened." Levy said noticing that what I had seen this morning was bothering me.
"Things aren't great at home..." I said my eyes glancing at her and back to the floor.
"Oh Lu-chan, you know that if anything is wrong and you don't feel comfortable you can always talk to me and spend the night at my place. You're practically family by now!" She said grinning at me.
"But seriously, if you wanna talk about it we can. Maybe not right now but at break or Lunch we can?" She said
"Thanks Lev, that would be really nice."
We ended up talking for a long time until we interrupted by a message from the principal.
"Uhm-uh Testing Testing! Anyways uhm can u hear me? Oh no wait give me a moment I need to-
"Just get on with it Gramps!" I heard a random boy shout
"Alright,Alright! Welcome to Fairytail High. As all of you know it has just opened but you may see some familiar faces from Fairytail Prep or even a few different schools! There are teachers waiting outside so please gather into your year groups! From there you will be taken to you form rooms and will spend your day talking to your new classmates, Have fun kids!" Mr makorav said.
Before I knew it, dozens of kids scrambled around trying to find their assigned teacher. It was pretty easy for me as Ms Aquarius was a family friend and as strict as she was, she was a sweet person and would often come to visit me and dad and help clean up the place. A few weeks ago she told me she would be my head of year so i dragged Levy towards her and she greeted me with a small smile. Miss Aquarius simply nodded at Levy and proceeded to sternly glare at the students who were far too excited. Me and Lev ended up sitting on the floor waiting for everyone to come. Levy clearly looked worried as she stared at the list of students in each class. I let out a laugh.
"Lev it'll be fine! I'm sure we'll end up being together and even if we're not it'll be ok!"
Levy smiled and we both looked at the lost to find that we weren't in the same class but would have many classes together. We ended up getting separated into our forms and were led to our classroom. It was as it we were 3! I had my headphones in and looked up to see Miss Aries worriedly trying to get the class to shut up so she could speak. I was Lucky.. Ugh I hate that word..
"OI EVERYONE SHUT UP THE TEACHERS TRYING TO SPEAK" A scarlet haired girl shouted articulating each word perfectly.
Ms Aries jumped obviously taken by surprise.
"Th-Thank you E-e-Erza" She said nearly to the point of tears. I sighed and realised there were booklets on my desk.
"Miss Aries." I said my eyes fixed on her not listening to the people around me sniggering at my appearance.
"Y-yes L-Lucy?"
"Would you like me to hand out these booklets" I said taking my headphones off realising that Miss Aries was shaking. She was probably nervous it was the first day.
She nodded silently and sat down still shaking. I handed them out and walked back to my desk realising the pink haired boy (that was sitting next to me) was staring and was chuckling. Everyone was quiet after Erza shouted at them again.
"A-anyways! Uhm thank you L-Lucy. Welcome to uhm Fairytail uhhh High! Today you are uhm free to interact with your uhh peers and the whole uhm school assembly will happen sometime uhm this week. H-have fun!" Miss Aries said and hurriedly left the classroom looking as if she was on the verge of tears.
Everyone just rolled their eyes and carried on with their conversations. I put my headphones back on and began to listen to this song called "Scars to your beautiful." By Alessia Cara.
In my eyes the song was wrong..
'There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark?' Sadly I've been waiting for that hope for a long year.. I gazed out of the window thinking about everything that had happened. Well mom had died.. and Sting had-
"Hello! You Must be Lucy." The scarlet haired girl (who I think was called Erza) practically beamed at me. She was definitely confident.. Haha..
"Yh that's me. And I'm guessing your Erza?" I asked not really caring and wanting to get this 'talk' over with. I'm not the social type, in fact I'm only friends with Lev cause we are pretty similar and our moms are best friends! Well they were..
I looked up to find Erza already glaring at two boys who were staring at the girls and giggling as if they were children. Guess she just wanted to know everyone's names?I turned my attention to the leaflet on my desk. It was basically a what you need to know and what we'd be doing this year. You see Fairytail high isn't a normal highschool. The reason it's so special, is that people moved from their old high schools to come here, is because of their academic system. You have one project you'd be doing for the whole year which could range from an essay to community service. Half the day you would be doing that and the other half you would have lessons, however there was still homework and they split up all the lessons  so you still learn. This week we are fully focused  on our projects but the teachers  didn't tell us our projects so... I rolled my eyes and looked out of the window. Just then, the pinkette next to me tapped my shoulder.
"Hi?" I said not looking at him
"Yo I'm Natsu! Oh you're one of the transfer students."
I was about to ask him what he meant as most people here came from different school to each other but before I could ask he already answered the question for me.
"Yh most people know each other from prep! But we separated when we went to highschool! Anyway I'm pretty popular round here. The name's Natsu Dragneel. What's your name Angel?" He asked trying and failing to flirt with me. Wow this guy is full of himself.. and he already introduced himself..
"Well first of all my names Lucy not 'Angel'" I said not even looking at him  and instead taking a book out of my bag.
"Alright, Alright Luce calm down."
"Luce?" I asked with a look of disgust on my face. If Lucky Lucy wasn't bad enough, then this was ten times worse.. Well I guess it wasn't that bad.
"Uhm hey Natsu do you know when they're gonna tell us what our projects are?"
I realised I had interrupted him boasting about himself.
"Oh uhm yeah we get emailed our projects and partners.." he said.
"Thought someone who thinks their too good to look at someone when their talking to them, would be smart enough to figure that out." He walked away and then started arguing with a raven haired boy. Woah what a jerk.
"What crawled up his ass?" I looked up to find (yet again) another person who was dying to talk to me. Great! She had long white hair and looking at her again, she was actually pretty nice! She just smiled and introduced herself before being called out by one of the teachers. Her names Mirajane. Seems genuine but at this point I can't really tell.

Natsu's PoV
Wow that girl was full of herself, she obviously doesn't know how important I am and that I could basically get her kicked out of the school. Ice princess wasn't much help either he just went on about feeling like some weird blue haired girl was stalking him? I think her name was June or Juvel or... uh I don't even care at this point. Wish I could've stayed home, but mom simply wouldn't allow that. I slowly zoned out as Lisanna was talking to Gray until Mira came up to me practically beaming.
"Hey Natsu! I've got some good news that'll definitely cheer me up" Mira said looking rather suspicious.
"Yeah try me." I said
"You and Lucy are gonna be partners on the upcoming project!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2019 ⏰

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