Chapter one- The Mission

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Everyone p.o.v
They were all just hanging around on the mountain Wally was speeding through the fridge looking for something to eat, Connor was helping M'gann trying to make cookies and Kaldur and Artemis were sparing together,
Recognised- robin b1
Everyone turns around when robin enters the Zeta tubes, the team turned to greet him but turned to see an very annoyed robin stomping towards the couch and flopping down with his head in his Hands "UGGHH WHY DOES HE ALWAYS DO THIS." Everyone was taken back from his yell but Wally zoomed in with chips in his hand "dude you look like archer girl over there" "oh shut up Baywatch" as artemis slapped Wally on the head. Robin just rolled his eyes.

Robin p.o.v
I just came from the bat cave and I was so annoyed with Batman at the  situation that's happening at home, he has to be so stubborn. "My friend something is bothering you what is the problem" Kaldur asked me breaking me out of my thoughts, "oh it's nothing Kaldur just some stuff I with bats getting me frustrated" I could tell people were concerned so I tried to brush it off, "Rob- ." M'gann started when suddenly
Recognised- Batman 02
Great the old bats is here. "Team to the debriefing room now." Batman scowled and everyone nodded and headed that way. Everyone was there except Conner who was leaning far against the wall but he can still hear so doesn't matter we all faced Batman to see what was all the fuss. "I have a mission for you.." he brings up a screen with three  boys and a man and my eyes are widening as I'm seeing them and I feel like I know where this is going, "this is Bruce Wayne and his children the eldest Richard Grayson, the next is Jason Todd and Tim drake and......" he stops around there and I look up and sigh I know what this is about but I'm still angry about it " there is a youngest I can't identify " he said with a sigh, I can't believe it he didn't say his name I am so going to talk to Alfred about this, "Wait... Bruce Wayne you mean the billionaire play boy which loads of cash wow oh man we're going to meet him!!" I sighed wally still acts like a child even when I told him my identity, "The villains after the boys attacked Wayne industry's in Arabia and in Europe bruce fears that they are after his boys" "yeah one of them at least" I mumbled but stopped when I remembered Superboy's hearing I turned and saw him in the back of the corner with an eyebrow raised, "wait so you mean we will be babysitting snobby rich kids" Artemis said and I can hear her annoyed tone I chuckled I can't wait to torment her. "Robin will be joining me in search for the head of this attack you will be staying there until they are all safe and the villain is taken care of so pack your bags" "how come robin gets to do the fun stuff why were babysitting kids" Artemis yells jealous and I chuckle "because of my great hacking skills anyway good luck guys, Batman can we talk" it's time to get answers.

Superboy's P.O.V
I left the room curious, Robin is hiding something about one of the boys or this mission I heard him mumbled "yeah one of them at least" I'm going to find out what's going on here no matter what.

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