Chapter 5- Demon?

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Wally's POV
Once the door was shut we all faced the brothers "so..." I started  but then I was cut off rudely by jaybird (yes I have permission to call him that), "Not so fast young whatever..."he started "You guys may be here because Batman ordered but it doesn't mean we're happy about it,we only have needed our damn selves so don't get in my way or my brothers."  He threatens which pissed Artemis off "Listen kid-.." "Ok, calm down red heads." Dick cut in the fight "I understand things aren't what they seem but we have to make it work for now at least." " But we don't need this that villain or whoever can kiss my-.." "Jay language or I will get Alfred instead of the chilli." dick gave a stern look of authority not backing down as Jason just gave a tensed as a sign of fear, Nobody defines Alfred he's more terrifying then anything even the joker. "Fine whatever." He sighed giving up. "I see we have seen bad eye to eye but don't worry we will make sure whoever the villain is we will get him?" "Do you know who the villain is?" Asked Tim acting innocent he is so cute isn't he;" I have a feeling its The Joker." I say "My bet is the Leauge of Assassins." Artemis replied, I glance at dick who worn an uneasy face talking about the villain this concerns me, he's hiding something I just know it.

Normal POV
"So... how about a tour?" Asked Richard trying to change the subject, "That would be appreciated." he nodded and turned to walk off his brothers chasing out with him as the team followed, "This place is big!" Megan squeaked while gazing at the beautiful design " Yes, Bruce loved the old industrial looks." Richard smiled. " You call him Bruce isn't he your dad?" Asked Megan and the boys froze "That is NONE of your business." jason said sternly and Megan realises her mistake, "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean that- I" she put her head down on in shame as she felt guilty. "No it's just a touchy subject for us." he looks down at Tim who was on the verge of tears "Hey, hey there it's ok Timmy." He goes over and picks him up "W-why did they..." "hey its ok this will be over soon we will have all our family safe ok." tears kept coming down Tim's face and he whispered "Even him?" Jason and dick glanced at each other while the others stood shock of the the scene. Until dick looked back at the team, "Let's get on with the tour, Shall we?" they nodded and dick put Tim down and he ran to jason and gave him a hug as the others started walking with dick.

"Here we have our 1st living room where we go when we have guests over, and mostly  a meeting point for family meetings or things." the team looked it was interesting the furniture has an industrial but 21st century look "Wait so you have more then one living room!" Asked Wally " well the second one is more of an hang out room to escape guests or to just watch movies and the first one is technically only used when visitors are here" Tim answered "Pfft stupid rich kids"Artemis murmured not to go unheard by dick.

Dicks POV
Now it's starting to become interesting I smile and  turned around and leaned closer to Artemis as he cocked his head side to side "Whats the matter Arty is that any way to treat your hosts?" and gave a disapproving sigh "And I thought it would be fun to have a classmate over here." the look on her flustered face was priceless, "L-let's move on." she stammered, I smiled and  continued "Over there is the kitchen and downstairs we have a indoor pool area that basically covers this floor let's go upstairs" "Do we have to do upstairs it's pretty basic." Jason asked I tense and I know what he really meant Tim did too, though upstairs is the last place I don't think anyone wants to be, though I need the teams help just to help save us all. "We would be happy to skip the stairs if you would like?" Kaldur Asked "Yeah it's fine it's just bedrooms and-.." BANG!! BANG!! then we heard some racket going on upstairs the team was suddenly aware and started to get infront of us "This might be the intruder stand behind us."Kaldur ordered "No it's probably demon." "DEMON?" dammit Jason.

Superboys POV
"Demon?" I heard Wally ask, this is now just getting weird demons are after these kids now, this mission is jus getting me more confused, "Oh, um yeah don't worry he's pretty harmless." Richard covered up quickly glaring at Jason, "But who is he?" I asked getting annoyed "He's ummm..." "He's just someone" That little kid I think his name was Tim replied "That doesn't answer our question" I reply as I started grinding my teeth. These kids are getting on my nerves. I looked over a Megan as she nodded and she formed a mind link minus the Wayne brats.
Mind link-
Artemis- So what do you think of the brats?
Wally- I think they're kinda cool.
Megan- I think they're cute!!
Kaldur- Stay focus we need more information on this demon he could be an intruder.
Wally- But doesn't that mean that they are in the house?
Super boy- I don't trust them their hiding something...
Wally- Con their just kids.
Artemis- Rich kids always have something to hide.
Wally- What's with you calling them rich kids?
Artemis- Because they are.
Wally- So you decide to judge them!
Artemis- I'm not-
Wally- Yes you are-

Back in the real world **sorta**
Dick POV
I turned and looked at the team their having a mind link conversation without me how rude, well I geuss it's time to get things more interesting the fun is going to begin shortly. "Why don't we hangout in the living room for now just to get you to settle in I'll be in there in a moment" "Sound's good thank you Richard" "Dick" the team froze and stared at me wide eyed "EXCUSE ME WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL HIM!" I was about to crack down laughing but Jay and Timmy beat me too it spiraling on the floor catching their breath and then I joined them  "" Jay tried to say between his laughs "Sorry..... that's my name." I replied still recovering, Kaldur looked at me confused "Dick is my name it's short for Richard I like dick better because it's shorter and way more funny!" I explained. Their mouth shapes an 'o' in  Understanding man these guys never get a joke. They will not last a day with the joker. (At least he had a sense of humour)

I check the time 6:30pm well it's getting dark out,  and I have a really bad feeling I just can't explain it but then the lights went out there was rustling in the room. Uh oh.

Normal POV
Everyone was finally settling in when the lights blacked out the team looked worried feeling uneasy "He's here already?" Wally whispered "We need to get the children to saf.." just before he could finish that sentence they heard Megan scream but no one could see what was happening all havoc went loose.

Wally POV
I tried to run and get Dick and the brothers since everyone was occupied "Super boy can you see anyone?" Kaldur demands "Mhmmm the guys going so fast but it looks.... tiny?" "but the we herd a muffled yell, and something grabbed me from behind my  neck and flipped me over, what the hell is going on! I tried to get back up but there was something pushing me down, but then.... "DAMIEN THATS ENOUGH" and the lights flick back on with Artemis and Miss Martian tied up Kaldur on the floor. "Seriously what's going on?" I asked confused "Aren't we being attacked?"why is everyone so calm? "Demon come out now the shows over." Jaybird calls with his head up to the ceiling huh? What's with these kids? "Its not a threat lil'd" Dick called "ok what's going on" I had to ask but something is still on me I grab it but when I do it feels really soft and its..... fury? I look up and it's a..... dog? There's a big dog is on me, I was loosing to a dog... huh figures, as I got up and roughly pushed the dog off as it growls at me, "Is everyone ok?" Dick asked "Yep, fine here."

Normal P.O.V
Conner was getting mad now "OK THATS IT WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?WHO THE HELL IS DEMON?" he yelled and everyone stood back and no one notice someone or something hiding anywhere "tt" just came out of nowhere "I geuss you will have to be the first to go." the voice whispered so no one would here him then all of a sudden a a flisk of wind with a tiny body came down sword in pact and landed down in the middle of the room "I.... I don't believe it.." Wally said with wide eyes and mouth open........

Conner P.O.V
My eyes were wide.......
"I don't believe it"

"How did we not see him?"

"Not again demon"


"We were beat by a...."

The attacker looked up to us with death in his piercing jade green eyes and a scowl on his face, I can't believe we lost, the demon....

Is just a kid?
Yeah hey guys, I know it looks like I've dropped dead the past maybe 3 months. My bad I've had bad writers block and have been stressed out not to fear though I have good news I'm already going to come up with new chapters and new stories after this book with a Bat brothers one shot book and more with the bat family and beloved Damien🖤🖤 but with any of those who want different stories I may be doing crossovers and stories from other shows maybe even anime... just be patient with me. I hope u like this chapter tho it's longer yay and things are going to get even better... ok I'm talking too much now, I hope you like the chapter a new one will be out ASAP (hopefully) - Nightwolfgirl123 out.🖤🐾🐺☠️

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